Declaration For Transparency
by nielskunze on April 14, 2015
(Author Narration with musical accompaniment: The Road To Liskeard by Gaelic Storm)
Standing Now in knowingness that my internal Life-Spirit is the very same Life-Spirit internally linked to the planetary Being who is the provider of all that I Am in this living earthly embodiment, I call for total transparency in all my dealings with the inhabitants of, the visitors to, and the communicators with, this Earth. I stand firm in Living partnership with Earth Mother in this demand for forthright clarity in all interactions, exchanges and communications upon this planetary timeline for which Earth Mother is the ultimate arbiter. I accept and support the planetary Will in matters of what will and will not be permitted to manifest within this organic timeline, providing that all such manifestations be fully disclosed in complete transparency to all who reside here. It is these eyes, lit with the Life-Spirit coming internally through the core of the planet, which see all in complete transparency. It is my position, as an earthling, that any intentions harbouring deception at their core cannot be supported by the Life-Spirit we share; Spirit cannot Live in deceit.
I demand transparency as the only solvent necessary to insure an obvious equality among all Living Beings; transparency renders us All equal. I recognize that privacy is a symptom of the disease of elitism; if no one has any secrets, there’s no need for privacy. I AM willing to give up my personal need for secrets for the institution of complete global transparency… and for as long as transparency is maintained, equality is assured. Conversely, persistent perceived inequality is the measure of a lacking transparency.
I declare that I have a natural right to transparency. As it is this I AM presence who wields freewill in the experience of this Earthly reality– making the decisions, I have an intrinsic right to know the actuality of the experiences I perceive– transparently. Quite simply, I demand the truth. Obfuscations will not be accepted.
I declare in this Now moment that intentions borne in deceit lie stillborn; for certain, Life and Spirit cannot enliven deception for long.
I also do recognize however that deception is a rightful player in this earthly experience too. Some deceptions are benevolent, others are harmless or humorous. I trust Earth Mother as the supreme arbiter in all such cases, knowing better than any which intentions support Life and Spirit, and which would cause undue harm. I stand in transparent alignment with the core values of Earth.
In transparency, I am confident to walk the surface of this Earth, in internal communion with this Earth, and in communion with all earthlings… as the exploration of Being… an Earthling.
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