Revocation of Hidden Meanings in Language

by nielskunze on April 12, 2015

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(Author Narration with musical accompaniment: Hidden Moods by Happy The Man)

As a user of language in both spoken and written form, as well as in my private and personal thoughts, I hereby declare all the forms of language I employ to be free and void from any hidden or occult meanings. It is henceforth demanded that the language I use is free from any attachments whatsoever, for whatever purposes, that are hidden or otherwise unknown to my waking, conscious I AM presence.

The words I use mean only what I intend them to mean, as is commonly understood by the majority of the users of language as the overtly expressed denotations, along with the accepted connotations of popular usage, of those specific words… and nothing else. The words employed by this I AM presence, expressed in the ever-present Now, cannot and do not communicate any permission or allowance for any covert purposes that lie outside of my conscious awareness. It is my conscious awareness solely which determines the intent, direction and target of all my language-based communications. Whatever my communications might mean to others in contravention of the above has no bearing on, or consequence for, this I AM presence; such is a misconstruction belonging solely to others. I AM not responsible for what you may think I mean.

I mean what I mean, but I still allow for the allegorical layers of infinite meaning to penetrate the organization of my words, allowing for depth, richness and poetics to arise among their precise denotative overt meanings. But there is nothing sinister lurking in intentional grammatical ambiguities– no secret agreements suggested or implied. My words, spoken, written or contemplated, are oriented toward personal unfettered growth, learning and sharing; they shall not be misconstrued for purposes in opposition to this basic orientation.

The energetics surrounding and interpenetrating the specific geometries of all written letters, punctuation and common symbols is hereby bound to conform in purpose and action with the overt intent of the context in which they are used. Any subtle or hidden energetics lying outside of my conscious awareness that alter, subvert or deny the meaning of my intentional choice of written words are hereby transformed into supportive energies, or else rendered inert. Any sacred geometry built into our written text for any purposes contrary or detrimental to the clear communication for which language was derived and is used is hereby completely overridden by the natural right and intent to communicate without obfuscation. The written language is a tool which I claim Now, clean and clear from any occult rituals or hidden spells which may have been covertly inserted at its inception or subsequently added. Each and every written word passes through my field of consciousness and Being free from anything appended by another outside of my conscious awareness. My words are clean and are my own.

These words serve no master but the intent that I choose.

I mean what I say. It is said. It is done.

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