CAUTION: My Material Is Contaminated!
by nielskunze on April 6, 2015
I’ve always been a let-the-chips-fall-where-they-may kind of guy. It has always been my policy that when I make a mistake, I admit it and correct it to the best of my ability. Well, I really fucked up!
For a very long time, more than a few years now, I’ve been ‘sitting on the fence’ in regard to quite a number of issues. In my defense, I have always tried to accommodate as many perspectives as possible within my own big-picture perspective. I have maintained throughout this time that it wasn’t necessary to definitively decide one way or the other on certain issues; I could play the wait-and-see game instead. Perhaps that was true for a time, but that time has now ended.
To continue with the metaphor, I have now jumped down from the fence. No longer can I perch myself above the Earth and pretend to mix a little bit of this understanding with a little bit of that philosophy, drawing upon all of the metaphysical ingredients available and trying to incorporate them all with the expectation of producing something other than an unsavoury monster. As it turns out, not too surprisingly, not every idea can be included in a coherent human perspective; eventually, some of them have to be outright rejected. And before you ask which side of the fence I came down on, let me explain that the moment I jumped, the fence ceased to exist. I am firmly planted on the ground, with both feet, and there is no fence– anywhere… anymore.
Longtime readers may recall that a few months back I promised to undertake a reorganization of my blog. That sprang from the realization that a newcomer to my writings would actually have a very difficult time wading through all of the voluminous material I’ve produced in the last few years in order to arrive at a coherent understanding or resonance with my particular perspective. There are literally thousands of pages of original material penned by me which represent an exploration of nearly every whack-a-doodle idea out there. And just like oil and water, some of them don’t mix and mingle very well. Throughout these past couple of months, I have been internally resistant to commencing this promised reorganization. There was something essential that I was still missing… and now I’ve finally gotten the pertinent dots connected– internally– and the most important puzzle pieces have fallen into place– internally. Let the revision begin!
This shouldn’t end up being too drastic. Certainly, much of what I have done has been on the right track, but there are certain aspects of what I’ve talked about which are in fact wholly incompatible with a positive future on this beautiful planet. I will make a few sweeping statements here, right now, and in the next few days I will delve into a more thorough explanation. Please bear with me…
The phrase ‘ascending with the Earth’ is nonsense. Simply put, ascension will kill the planet! I have no interest in ascension; I reject it outright. (I will produce a series of declarative and intentional statements shortly to further qualify my statements here.)
All hierarchy depends directly upon the hollow concept of ‘authority.’ Everything about the astral realms is hierarchical. I recognize no authority beyond my own connection with/identity as this planet– Earth.
The most valuable tools/gifts I have now in my possession are my physical body (which IS the planet) and the Life/Spirit which inhabits/animates it. I recognize that my intellect is prone to distraction and being mislead. Nearly all of what passes for human knowledge is astral programming which does not have the best interests of Earth and earthlings at heart.
Fortunately, my first allegiance has always been to Earth, to the Planetary Mother. It is her agenda which defines my Life.
I’m done selling out. I’ll leave it at that for now.
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