Mystical Master Collaboration for the Week of March 25 to 31, 2015

by nielskunze on April 1, 2015

A Pinkish Hue

This week’s topic was Manifestation. And this is what I wrote:

What Do You Want to Manifest?

“What do you want to manifest?” asked the Galactic Historian, rhetorically. “Because that’s what it comes down to.” Do you want to manifest the dreams of the Matrix– money, success, prestige? Or do you want to manifest the dreams of a Sovereign Creator, according only to the limits of your imagination, the cravings of your soul and the stirrings of your heart?

He had been asked the very question he usually poses to all of his recent guests: What does sovereignty mean to you? Sovereignty is one of those special words– like God or freedom– which gets defined differently by every individual. Andrew’s answer to his own most oft-repeated question really hit home, and seemed to reveal something fundamental about the relationship between manifestation and sovereignty.

Civilization– the Matrix– is a constructed reality that overlays the natural, organic Earth reality. It is a highly complex machine designed to manifest human dreams within a certain limited scope. Fame and fortune are the dangling carrots in the Matrix Manifestation Machine. It is carefully designed to manifest the most energetic inflammations of ego. It is a generator, operating on the continual cycling of high-drama emotion.

The natural Earth grid is based in Love. It is specifically designed to manifest the interactions and intentions of Loving Will. Offspring are the tangible manifestations of just this. The creative force underlying this organic grid is internally Sourced– through the planetary Heart, the very same heart you carry around. On Earth, all hearts are One. Clear, Loving Will, free from common ego inflammations, can only stand in the sovereign alignment with its own Heart, dear Earthling.

The Martix is energetically invested in the astral realms– heavily. One could even say that the Matrix is specifically designed to SERVE the astral realms– the Galactic Ascension Machine. The astral realms lie outwardly. WE are the energetic source fueling the Matrix. As such, it is prepared to manifest certain desires within a strictly limited range– small returns on our energetic investments. These manifestations will never satisfy a true heart’s desire though… They are designed specifically for the mind– which is programmed to never be satisfied.

Historically, we are at the Separation of the Densities. The Matrix Manifestation Machine is being pulled apart from the original natural interface with our planetary Mother– the organic Earth grid. Two distinct realities– each with their own unique ability to manifest desire, with radically divergent consequences– are being forcibly separated… and we need to make some choices. Which reality will we ultimately align with? What kind of future will we choose to manifest? How will we eventually define our own sovereign will? With our own conscious creations? Or still with the begrudging allotments from others?

I guess all I’m saying is that if we want to manifest our true heart’s desire, then we simply must align ourselves with our true Heart. Our minds are addicted to the Matrix; our unbidden emotions spill out, despite our best efforts and intentions. Our minds look outwardly for external things to manifest our fulfillment… for rewards and saviours, while our hearts pull from our inner creativity to manifest it All… anyway…

What do you want to manifest?

As always, you are invited to join the Mystical Masters Facebook Group for additional perspectives and discussions on our weekly topics.

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