Coming Clean With Bigsquatch

by nielskunze on March 31, 2015

When the first intimations of their mythic presence became tangible in my personal reality, early last May, I coined my own term: Bigsquatch. I just wanted to present the evidence as it had presented itself to me, without drawing any undo attention. An internet search of ‘Bigfoot’ or ‘Sasquatch’ wouldn’t hit upon my scattered Reports (Daily Forest Reports). Some possibilities you just want to sit with for awhile… without anyone else trying to bring the whole circus.

I’ve had nearly a year now to ponder and weigh the evidence, and to get comfortable with it. When I first reported it last spring, I almost tried to be unconvincing. The problem now… is that I’m convinced. And so I feel compelled to re-present the best of the evidence in a more convincing manner.

The only viable alternative to the Bigsquatch conclusion, in my opinion, is that I was being punked, hoaxed; someone who knew my regular route through the forest was deliberately planting anomalous evidence for me to find. Well, it’s been nearly a year now, and no one has come forward pointing a finger and laughing at me for falling for it. I don’t have friends who are such patiently sophisticated practical jokers, so the hoax hypothesis grows weaker by the day.

It is the footprint evidence which is the strongest. A very natural argument arises when doubters explain them away as the overlapping footprints of more common forest denizens like bears or mountain lions. Well, we can safely rule out any cats, because cougars have only four toes, and the tracks I found in the mud definitely had five. So that leaves bear.

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This is the first of the prints I came across approaching the swamp. My first thought was “Holy crap! That would be the biggest bear I’ve ever seen in this area!” (I’ve encountered well over 400 bears.) It must be noted that what appears as punctures or claw marks in front of the toes above were not actually present a few days earlier in the wet mud when I first found this print. Originally I photographed it with my hand in the foreground for perspective (with wet mud and no visual claw marks– I always check, just to see how long the claws might be) but that photo sucked, so I took this one three days later, when the mud was dry, with my size-11 foot for better perspective.

Here’s the sucky original:


At this point though, honestly, Sasquatch hadn’t crossed my mind.

The next day, we came upon the second print, very close to the first. The second print had definitely not been there the day before. What’s a little more baffling about this next one (and the one after that) is that it’s right in the middle of a very large patch of wet mud. There are no other prints leading to or from it. It’s just a single print on perfect display… with no reasonable explanation as to how it actually got there.

2nd Print

It should be noted that in this photo the ground is a bit harder than it appears; the mud isn’t quite as squishy as it looks.

Let’s move on immediately to the next print which kind of ‘replaced’ the second print the very next day (third day in a row). It appeared in just about the same spot, maybe a few feet away at most. It’s definitely the most complete and spectacular one! Like the previous one, it too was just a singular print in a large patch of mud with no other prints leading to or away from it– and that is really the most compelling thing of all, as I’ll explain.

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When I initially reported these huge prints in the mud, the skeptics, and those just reaching for a more rational explanation, insisted that this was obviously a composite track where a bear’s back foot partially overlaps the print left by its front foot, creating one mega-print that looks like it could only come from Bigsquatch. Even though this seems like a very reasonable explanation at first, it poses some real puzzlers too. Like, in this virtual sea of mud, where are the other bear tracks leading to and from this ‘composite’ print in the middle? Remember, this would have to be the largest bear I’ve ever encountered in this area, judging by the size of the prints. Also, if this print from the third day is really a composite bear track, then it is only reasonable to assume that the other two prints from the previous days are merely bear tracks too. Now, let’s think about that for a moment. That would mean that this stunningly huge bear was in this exact same location for three days in a row, leaving only a single print each time. There were absolutely no other bear signs to be found anywhere in the area. In case you don’t know, bears poop a lot! So each time, on three consecutive days, the largest bear I’ve ever encountered, managed to leave just one footprint (none bearing claw marks) in some magical fashion, without leaving any other signs in an area predominantly characterized by endless mud. That’s one very strange bear!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “How is a giant hairy ape a better explanation?” Personally, intuitively, I have never felt that Bigfoot was strictly just another animal. The indigenous lore surrounding Sasquatch speaks of a mythical, telepathic, multidimensional creature with definite associations with UFOs. I know I just lost a few of you… but that’s where the evidence leads! In fact, a modern search for Bigfoot HAS to include this hyper-dimensional possibility. Particularly, the telepathy and its ability to dematerialize at will is so often reported by contactees that to ignore the possibility is a disservice to any serious research on the matter… in my opinion. To get fully up to speed with this line of inquiry, please refer to the work of Jack Lapseritis. I won’t repeat his voluminous evidence here, but it is all very much in keeping with my own experience.

This initial 3-day experience culminated in the third photograph above which was punctuated upon its discovery by Raven uncharacteristically swooping right above me cawing enthusiastically “See! This is what I was trying to tell you!” Another key part of the Sasquatch lore which really surprised me when I began my internet research was that they employ the services of indigenous birds such as eagle, hawk and raven to be their telepathic eyes in the sky. Well, that fit perfectly with my experience. I always wondered why the birds were consistently keeping tabs on me in the forest; in truth, it was Bigsquatch!

On the fourth day I mounted an expedition. I extended my usual route farther west into the backcountry where I’d built my cabin years before. I figured that the remoteness of the western Purcell Mountains was a perfect place for Bigsquatch to go about his physical tasks undetected and unmolested. Just this lengthy day-hike provided some more intriguing evidence. I only had my GoPro with me, so the photos aren’t quite perfect.

Big Vegetarian Poop

Blonde Hairs

Yeah, that could be just bear poop, but take it from a guy who has seen literally thousands of piles of bear poop in the woods, that one wasn’t typical– in terms of shape and content. And then those long blonde hairs in the second picture were caught in various places in the bark of that tree extending up to about seven feet up its trunk– just like someone very tall and very blonde had paused to scratch their back and legs. It was the dogs who alerted me to this find as they found the scent on and around this tree to be about the most fascinating thing they’d ever discovered. (You can see Sitka in the background.)

Two Different Prints

Then, a few days later, I conducted a more thorough search of the swamp. I found one more anomalous print in the dried mud. The big print at the bottom seems very much like it is the same foot which made the others pictured above. The smaller print at the top of this picture is actually quite close, less than a foot away. It is very likely that of an average-sized black bear; it’s approximately the width of my hand. The other print at the bottom is quite a bit larger– again, without any discernible claw marks.

That’s pretty much the extent of my personal photographic evidence. I could show you more poop that I’ve been unable to positively identify. It most closely resembled horse shit, but not quite, and there were no horseshoe marks in the hard mud surrounding it. Horses leave prints– almost always!

At this point I’m convinced that I’m dealing with Bigsquatch… and honestly, I really don’t care who believes me and who doesn’t. One thing I’ve found over the years is that skepticism is almost always based in total ignorance. It’s something like this: “I’ve never experienced any such thing myself, therefore I refuse to believe that anyone else could have such an experience. When others describe such strange experiences and encounters, they are all attention-seeking liars!” Fair enough. I always say that everyone should first and foremost believe in their own experience. But I really have never understood what is to be gained by adamantly rejecting the mere possibility. Skeptics tend to live in very small, cramped worlds!

A few days ago, a friend who channels, gave me the name of the Bigsquatch I’m dealing with. The first walk– a couple of days ago– with the name upon my lips, was accompanied by Hawk the second we got out of truck. Hawk led us up the mountain. Then, at the Mesa, two eagles were playing in the air right in front of us. I couldn’t get a picture because they were flying so low and fast above the river valley at about the same altitude I was at– on the Mesa– that they were backdropped by trees, not open sky. From one second to another, they were very difficult to see clearly. Later, when we were down by the river, they circled for a long time just above the northern bank, ducking in and out of view, keeping their eagle eyes on us.

I won’t reveal the name I was given until I receive permission to do so. I can reveal however that I’ve done the numerology on the name already (32/5) and it’s rather impressive. It seems that I’m dealing with a leader among the Sasquatch People and an emissary of light, a teacher of earth-lore. I am SO looking forward to the furtherance of this relationship!

So the bottom line of all this, a year later, is that I am now actively pursuing this relationship. At first I wasn’t sure that I even wanted to be a Bigfoot contactee… and now I’m quite sure that I do. The whole focus of what I’m doing now is a deepening of my relationship with Earth Mother and all her creatures. My reticent friend promises to be an intriguing teacher once we both get over our initial shyness. It’s exciting… and really quite unbelievable. But then, so much of my life has already been so unbelievable that I’m quite convinced that I’m living among the pages of an epic adventure novel– a good place for an author to reside.

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