Message To/From the TOURS #18 There’s Street-Fighting Everywhere… But We HAVE Turned the Corner!

by nielskunze on September 9, 2014

Unity consciousness has begun… although it may not seem like it at all. So what’s going on?

Let’s begin with a bit of review. I’ve certainly presented this information before, but some things– some very basic things– bear repeating.

In duality, darkness is a creation of the light. This seems very counterintuitive, I know, but it is essential to understand. For surely darkness is an absence of light…? No, it poses as light’s opposite in the primary dyad of polarity in a dualistic experience. In duality, light and dark exist together as compliments (completions) of each other. You can’t have one to the utter exclusion of the other. Light implies darkness; darkness invokes the light; such is the reality in dualistic experience.

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Pictured above is a classic double-slit interference experiment. There is a single source of light, depicted here in red. The light enters ‘the area of experience’ through two equal slits– or openings… and interferes with itself. The interference gives an undeniable experience of duality– even though the light source is singular. Projected upon the screen (our seemingly objective world is just such a projection) are alternating bands of light and dark. The darkness is created wherever the crest of one light wave meets the trough of the other light wave, canceling each other out. It is a special case (or region) where light plus light equals darkness. All is a creation of Source filtered through a specific perception– duality. This is precisely what has been referred to as ‘the illusion’ throughout the ages; it is where we currently reside.

Victory of the light! is a meaningless statement. All there is is light; that’s all there ever has been! For light to triumph over darkness keeps perception locked into duality; it keeps perception locked squarely within the illusion. Within the illusion, light and darkness are aspects of the very same thing: Source.

We are Source… and we are individual. The paradox of this is resolved in unity. We are not separate; nothing is separate. Both general relativity and quantum mechanics insist upon the singularity and indivisibility of the uni-verse. There’s very good reason why it’s called a universe. (An excellent book which demonstrates this verity is Andrew Thomas’ Hidden in Plain Sight which very simply and very adroitly synthesizes general relativity with quantum physics, creating a unified ‘field’ theory– the holy grail of theoretical physics.)

Unity is the way out of duality. But unity is a tricky thing when viewed from within the illusion. We cannot merely come together, pretending to set aside our accumulated prejudices from countless lifetimes in duality, and hope to achieve true unity consciousness. Karma would still stand between us.

Karma (debt) is incurred only when we act from an off-centre position in duality. An off-centre position is our stance whenever we choose to give precedence or significance to one aspect of polarity in a dualistic pair of opposites… at the expense of the ‘other.’ Choosing ‘this’ over ‘that’ and acting upon that choice (preference) necessarily incurs karma. Choosing light over darkness creates a debt to darkness– which not only has every right to exist, but must exist whenever such a dualistic choice is enacted, for the very choice itself perpetuates the perception of duality and maintains the illusion. Within the illusion, there must be both light and darkness.

The illusion is transcended in unity. Neutrality neutralizes karma. The neutral perspective– which acknowledges the full spectrum of each polarity but gives precedence to none– does not generate karma through its actions. (The Buddha’s middle way.)

Duality requires judgment. Judgment determines what is ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Such determinations very literally create the illusion. In unity, there is no ‘good’ or ‘bad;’ there is only what is. Judgment tries to determine what should not be. It is a fool’s errand. We are creators only– in unity. When we attempt to become destroyers, we become mired in the falsity of dualistic perception.

Phew! That’s our general situational update. Now, let’s get to this specific moment in time.

We are rapidly coming to a place of neutrality. In our everyday experience, we are learning again and again that dualistic judgments ultimately don’t solve anything. They perpetuate and exacerbate our difficulties instead. But as we maintain a neutral perspective which allows what is to simply be what is and refuse to engage ourselves in biased choices of denial and/or destruction, we begin to reclaim, step-by-step, our individual sovereignty.

Sovereignty disengages us from the illusion. We acknowledge its existence, but through neutrality, we begin to step outside of the illusion. Only sovereigns may engage in true unity consciousness. That’s what we’ve been doing.

Sovereignty requires us to break everything down to the individual level. We become only ourselves– without the garments and disguises of duality’s deceptions. As only ourselves– without any external props of false power and prestige, without hierarchy of any kind– we finally identify with Source. We are Source– all of us, equally– and there is no longer any need to define ourselves by dualistic means (preferences, biases and denials). We’ve played that game already; collectively, we are fully saturated with that experience. It’s time to dissolve the illusion.

We made the decision collectively to dissolve the illusion long ago– years ago already– but habits of perception die hard. We’re watching the breakdown now. The most perceptive among us (likely most TOURS members) are realizing our sovereignty and learning how to maintain it through the neutral perspective. Your emotional nature should now be coming fully under control– self-control. That is a sign of sovereignty, neutrality; you cannot be swayed by dualistic arguments which attempt to force you into choosing ‘this’ over ‘that.’ Fear has no hold over those who identify with Source.

In the meantime, all those who cling to dualistic judgment as the means to navigating the illusion remain steeped in heavy karma. We see it playing out everywhere! The only way to overcome fear is through facing it head-on, experiencing it. Everyone is being stripped bare… until they realize sovereignty on their own, until they choose neutrality, until they realize the absolute verity of unity… an identity with Source.

We are all one. Deny it all you like… and remain in the time-bound illusion. Act from a position of neutrality in every moment and unity consciousness will pretty much assemble itself. That is the nature of consciousness… and here we are.

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