July 2014 Newsletter Introduction
by nielskunze on July 6, 2014
To me it feels like we’re at a real nexus point. So many stories, events, happenings are converging on this moment right now. All of the alternative news sites I visit daily are all a-buzz with the latest shenanigans and developments from all the infinite corners of our spherical globe. I couldn’t possibly do an adequate summary of all that’s reportedly transpiring, so I won’t even try. It’s all I can do right now to keep my own personal shit together… without continually falling into overwhelm.
We’re turning a significant corner on this evolutionary road, so my strategy at this point in time is to finish up a few things from the old street and then conjure up a few novelties for the new avenue. So this will be a hybrid Newsletter– meaning that some of the articles may be appropriate for the ongoing project of Book 3 of the Muse Trilogy, whilst others clearly will not. It’s time to get done those few remaining bits that I’ve been meaning to do forever… and then I can better focus exclusively on the road ahead… which promises to be nothing like the road already trodden.
I’ve often relied upon a tone of persuasion as though I’m presenting arguments to an audience of skeptics. I have to stop doing that now. I think I can finally accept that it’s not my role to convince anybody of anything; I can only share what I’m already convinced of and offer perhaps a few gnarly speculations… and others can take that as support and encouragement for their own journeys… or not.
But first I’ll just tell the last of my “stories” from the old world… these last tattered persuasions…
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