Message To/From the TOURS #14 A Sovereign Unity

by nielskunze on May 27, 2014

(Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

Unity consciousness entails a vast spectrum. On the one end of the scale is the quantitative, arithmetic form of unity consciousness typically referred to as the hive mind. The participants in a hive mind simply add “weight” to the pool of consciousness– each one adding the same “amount” of weight or force. It is the “strength in numbers” of brute force. Individual predilections, talents, gifts, etc. are not valued in a hive mind, and are generally considered disruptive and undesirable. The hive mind is strictly hierarchical, where actionable decisions are made from the top down; it is dictatorial and conformist by nature. Participants are interchangeable and replaceable. The hive mind works well to maintain the status quo.

Unity consciousness based in individual sovereignty, on the other hand, is decidedly qualitative– its qualities being uniquely determined by and through its participants. Its power of perception is geometric rather than merely additive; its capacity for affecting change (within collective belief structures) is exponential. Conscious unity among sovereigns is a non-hierarchical agreement, wherein individual predilections, talents, gifts, etc. are actively sought and engaged and clearly valued. Decision-making occurs through deliberate and considered consensus. Individual participants are not replaceable, and therefore each sovereign unity is unique unto itself, expressing different attributes according to need and aptitude. It is highly adaptable and evolutionary.

As members of the TOURS, we seek the latter.

Historically, prior to 2011, Earth, at the level of the collective unconscious, was in agreement to explore disunity consciousness. Essentially, we agreed to disagree, but our agreement was individually unknown to each of us. This was the path of exploration known as fragmentation. For many millennia, our psyches have been divided; portions of ourselves were hidden from ourselves. Who caused this? We did. We did it to ourselves… knowing the risks. How did we do it?

First we invented dreaming. We divided our psyches into two halves: awake and asleep; day and night; and from this, all of the other myriad polarities ensued. The interesting– and most critical– thing to understand in this is that what we typically refer to as our awakened state– our daytime lives– is actually the dream, the collective dream, a most persistent dream. It is maintained primarily through the cognitive exercise of “naming.” Language casts the spell that we’re under. We constantly objectify the contents of the collective dream by identifying things as being separate from ourselves and from each other. It is a habit we have learned exceedingly well. It is how we have created the relativistic realm where every “thing” is defined by its relationship to everything else. Absolute truth presents/expresses itself differently to each participant.

As we dream while asleep in our beds, we typically identify with the contents of our dreams, knowing them to be symbolic representations of our own vastness… our own psyches. What we here in Earth physicality call dreaming is a return (or at least a nod) to our unlimited selves. It is the undifferentiated state from whence we came. We have experienced such difficulty with the term “awakening” because of our inverted understanding of the dreaming mechanism.

Our agreement to tread the path of fragmentation is essentially an agreement to enter into conflict. Conflict, with its ebb and flow of power– struggle and conquest, tends to become addictive and habit-forming. The pendulum of experience swings to exquisite extremes! We are held in conflict, in fragmentation, through trauma-based mind control. We have all contributed to setting up the systems of our own abuse… so that we could thoroughly explore the very limits of our own fragmented psyches; this was the agreement for disunity consciousness.

Now, quite recently, we made and installed the collective decision to begin entering into unity consciousness. The initial part of the process was to break the agreement of our disunity consciousness. (Yes, you may have noticed that we reside in paradox.) As our disunity consciousness collective– our agreement to be in conflict– broke apart, our natural tendency toward unity immediately began expressing itself by creating multiple reality bubbles throughout Earth. There are currently approximately 1500 separate realities being expressed on Earth at this time. They are expressed geographically and are characterized or defined by the dominant beliefs infusing each locale. Today, as we travel the globe, we are literally traversing separate realities, each with a unique set of conditioning parameters. This global fragmentation now needs to be healed. How do we do that?

It will be the consciousness of individual sovereigns residing in each and every reality bubble who will form a new agreement to enter into the highest (most adaptable and evolutionary) form of unity consciousness possible. This new conscious unity will override all the old belief structures which are habitually based in disunity consciousness. In so doing, the world will be healed and united… and ready for a whole new class/realm of exploration/experience.

The key to all of this is sovereignty. Sovereignty is the reunification of our own fragmented psyches; we become whole… and we become fully conscious of our individual totalities. We accomplish this through recognizing and addressing those places where our psyches are still divided. As much as we like to fool ourselves that we are highly conscious beings, the truth is that the vast majority of our personal identities still reside in wholly subconscious realms. Our egos are the 1%; our subconscious minds are the 99%. We are fully complicit in our own oppression. The remedy is to free our subconscious minds from the self-imposed shackles of our prior agreements. Those agreements are no longer relevant and do not serve our world’s agenda moving forward. If, for a second, you think that you have no unconscious or subconscious fetters personally, please consider that advertising has been around for a very long time and it is a huge multi-billion dollar enterprise… because it works. It is only one glaring example how each of us is potentially influenced beneath the level of our conscious awareness.

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Next, I wish to present a tool for our emancipation, the establishment of our sovereignty. This comes from Andrew Bartzis, our Galactic Historian. Andrew has prepared Spiritual Contract Removal scripts which are designed to free us from our subconscious fetters in order that all outstanding karma from our journey through conflict might finally be resolved. Andrew is one of the very few people on the planet who presents an even more convoluted narrative of our current dilemma than I do. I concede that he is better informed than I. These scripts are meant to be read aloud as a proclamation to the totality of ourselves as a means of reintegration of the 99% back into conscious awareness. This is the awakening we seek in our daytime “waking” lives.

For now, I will simply provide the link to the Galactic Historian’s site where the scripts are located. Please read them aloud at least once… and then make your own decision as to whether to continue with them on a daily basis. If you discern no positive effect, they may be altered and personalized in order to resonate more clearly with your own individuality. At the very least, these scripts call forth and formalize the intent to become whole, healed and sovereign… and that is the empowered state the TOURS members seek.

In the immediate future I intend to provide audio recordings of each of these Spiritual Contract Removal scripts. I will do this both for my own “selfish” reasons as well as for the ease of use for my readers and the TOURS members. I will embed the audios within copies of the written scripts so that they may be listened to while reading along. Eventually, you may wish to record your own versions. The frequency of our own voice as it’s heard objectively through a recording is a powerful healer and motivator. It is something I can personally confirm from the past two years of narration of much of my own material.

Spiritual Contract Removal Scripts

(Please check back in a few days for the audio versions.)

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