The Daily Forest Report May 23, 2014 Impostors and Lying Snakes
by nielskunze on May 23, 2014
All it takes is a few bad apples (or “onions”) strategically positioned to make the world appear as a very dangerous place…
Any longtime readers here will already know that I dig and eat wild onions every day…
But these are NOT onions! They grow alongside the wild onions, posing as some silent and macabre joke to unknowledgeable foragers. These are Mountain Death Camas. See that? “Death” is right there in the name… and for good reason! What’s in a name? A camas by any other name would be as deadly!
At a quantum level, our psyches create the world in the primordial act of naming. (Remember Adam in the Garden before Eve arrives?) Through naming, we carve up the undifferentiated body of God like an Easter ham so we can live among the digestible bites and bytes. It’s all too easy to arrange our minds cannibalistically, giving the unconscious nod to fear. But knowledge cuts through all that crap! Oh happy Apocalypse!
That’s the real McCoy… except it’s not named McCoy. The leaves of the onion are flat and soft, whereas the Death Camas sports a trough-shaped leaf that is more fibrous and tough. During flowering, which can be likened to a plant exposing itself, the regal onion cannot be mistaken for the Naked Emperor in his newest finery. The flowers of the Camas are white and creamy in the shape of a parasol, while the onion sports a full umbrella of purple private parts.
All parts of the onion smell like… er… onion, and taste like… um… onion. So if your “onion” doesn’t taste a bloody thing like onion, spit that shit out! But also… please refrain from jumping to the easy conclusion that the world is out to get you! It’s actually out to teach you… to reach you… to put all the named things back inside your head as knowledge gleaned.
It’s only certain lying snakes who would have you believe in your own ignorance… and more and more, they’re lying exposed…
They’ve been very creative in how they lie… But you’re not being so easily fooled anymore! Are you?
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