The Daily Forest Report April 16, 2014 Eyes to the Skies

by nielskunze on April 16, 2014

Well, at least one aspect of the message is very clear: Keep your eyes to the skies.

So much is happening in the skies these days. Anyone with even a passing interest in astrology likely knows that these last two weeks of April promise to be some of the most intensely energetic times in an epoch. It was kicked off a couple of nights ago with the “Blood Moon.” (I normally wouldn’t refer to this event with its negatively connoted name, but after the worst mass slaying in my hometown’s (Calgary) history on that very night– an apparently unmotivated act of sheer lunacy– I’m obligated otherwise.)

Surprisingly, on this day we were met by a pair of Turkey Vultures. It seems that Sitka and I kind of snuck up on them– a very rare and difficult thing to do with these incredible raptors. It is my guess that this pair may be nesting on the hoodoo/cliff face where we encountered them. I couldn’t get a clear shot of the birds with my camera, but I did get a closeup view of the red head, confirming that these very large birds were indeed vultures.

Normally, when Turkey Vulture attends a kill, at least one member of the gang will circle above the fray serving as a lookout for the crew feasting below. These two whom we saw up close for a few brief seconds never took to circling in the sky at all. Additionally, Sitka gave no indication that she could smell the rotting remains of any carcass nearby. Hence, I am concluding that they are either nesting or looking to nest in the area. Of note is that last year this is precisely the same area where I repeatedly encountered Richard, the Turkey Vulture, for about a week straight, so it may be a traditional nesting site.

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The above photo is taken from the Mesa, looking back upon the lookout where we encountered Vulture. The place in question is more in the foreground of the pic where just a few hoodoos stand amidst the forest where the power line can be seen swooping down across the creek below. Vultures tend to build their nest directly on the ground, so this seems like a very suitable safe place for raising a young one.

Turkey Vulture is a very powerful totem animal… and truly a magnificent bird, despite its nefarious reputation. It is the go-between for life and death, a terrestrial connection to the greater spirit, and and instigator of brand New Visions. They are the most gravity-defying of all creatures, hardly ever having to flap their huge wings as they effortlessly ride the thermal air currents. Their message is often one of purification in the face of a coming expansion of consciousness.

A message of resurrection is reinforced by the proliferation of crocuses now blooming on the Mesa. Here I was showing numbers rather than detail.

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Also of note on this day was the brief encounter with Eagle for the fourth day in a row. I was busy beside the swamp investigating the fresh signs of bear, including a little poop from a cub and possible little footprints from the same…. when the rush of large beating wings passed above me again. It was the smaller, younger female again.

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It’s a bit dangerous walking through the forest with my eyes primarily trained upon the treeline above. I stumble frequently… but the skies are so full of activity I can’t help myself! And then there’s the wagging finger of threatening storms to watch for too… (This was the first time Sitka heard thunder; she handled it well.)

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Earth and Sky are squeezing a New Reality from us; the activity is relentless. I’m excited by all the happenings, but I fully admit that it isn’t always totally comfortable. I think we still have at least a couple more weeks of heavy duty adjustment period. Hang in there!

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