Archive for the “The Muse Trilogy” category

The Alien and the New Age of “Scientism”

by nielskunze on January 29, 2014

(Author Narration with musical accompaniment) Edwin’s Note: This off-world visitor, the alien, was forcibly assimilated into the Mi-Fu continuum by Paul early on in our epic tale. Interestingly, it was the “foreignness” of the alien’s mind which forced the data (…)

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The January 2014 Newsletter (Audio Links)

by nielskunze on January 7, 2014

Here are the links to the individual audios comprising this month’s Newsletter: The New Earth Part 1 of audio The New Earth Part 2 of audio Shifters Episode 2 – “Feeding Time In Scare-City” Musings From the Multidimensional Internet by (…)

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December 2013 Newsletter – Audio Version

by nielskunze on December 3, 2013

A new look and a new direction for the Newsletter! For the next couple of years I will be improvising the third book of The Muse Trilogy, issuing a chapter every month. Here is the first instalment, easing us in… (…)

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Excerpt of an Interview About The Muse Trilogy

by nielskunze on September 23, 2011

What is The New Millenium Muse? A work in progress. A life in progress. The Muse Trilogy is personally a tool that I use to explore who or what I am, and to determine what the hell I’m doing here. (…)

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A Discussion With Martin

by nielskunze on September 23, 2011

-from Butterfly Dreams: The Nectar of Transformation Martin: Will there be a third book in the Muse trilogy as originally planned? Niels: That depends on us both. If we can continue to view Life as an unfathomable Mystery and yet (…)

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What a Ride!

by nielskunze on September 20, 2011

-by Adam L. Well Niels, I have just completed your second book, and here are a few of my thoughts and the tip of the ice berg of my questions. First of all, I have to say the book “was (…)

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The Thousand-Petalled Lotus

by admin on August 19, 2011

The following poem first appeared on the original back cover of The Thousand-Petalled Lotus. The singular eye sees not itself. The hand which grasps does not feel. Philosophers dream circles, as hammers pound the wheel. In the space between the (…)

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