The Daily Forest Report December 16, 2014 It’s All Coming Together Nicely!

by nielskunze on December 16, 2014

“The way forward will seem blocked… and then suddenly the way will open.”

River Cave

(Come Together by The Beatles, covered by my band Missing Peace live at The Rose and Crown in Banff 1998)

No matter the formidable obstacles ‘placed’ in our way, we will unerringly find our way through!

River Cave Closeup

This Forest Report will be a bit different. It is centred around my willingness to heed my internal impulses, especially when they’re fairly innocuous, no matter how seemingly random.

This is the story of two rocks. The first caught my eye up near the Mesa.

First Rock

I like rocks well enough, but I’m no collector. In fact, I’ve never– through these twenty years of roaming– ever felt the need to bring a ‘pretty’ rock home with me. On a clearly felt impulse though, I picked this one up and shoved it in my pocket… and didn’t think anything at all of it.

When we got down to the river valley, a second rock suddenly caught my eye.

Second Rock

Again, I was clearly impulsed from within to pick this one up and place it in my pocket too… where I quickly forgot about it.

Eventually, when I got home, it was only natural to clean out my pockets before sitting down at the computer to attend my other daily obligations (pleasures). I fished the two rocks from my pants pocket, and as I held them in my open hand, I noticed that they fit snugly together… along their most irregular sides.

Coming Together

Although it’s difficult to see clearly in this photo, they fit together almost perfectly! In fact, the second rock (the one on the right) is actually propped up at an incline where the edges meet; it’s up off the surface of the amp (that’s my guitar amp) except for its far right edge.

What are the odds? Keep in mind that in twenty years I’ve never brought any rocks home before, and these two were found in wildly separate places. I was a little surprised– but very pleased– with the message imparted.

Amidst the overwhelming chaos of these times, the pieces are nevertheless falling together, giving us the first glimpses of a coherent picture of what’s going on.

In recent weeks I’ve been spending countless hours ‘researching,’ watching videos and webinars, and reading countless alternative news articles… and undeniably seeing it all come together… finally!

I’ll just give you one example here from the past 24 hours. In yesterday’s continuation of the latest TOURS Q & A session, I revealed that it was the Bill Cosby rape allegations which I felt were foreshadowing the major theme for the upcoming year of 2015 in which ‘The Devil’ is unmasked.

This morning I woke up to David Wilcock’s comments on Ben Fulford’s latest post. Now what do you suppose was foremost among the important points that Ben missed and that David felt was highly relevant at this time? Yup, you guessed it– the Cosby scandal. Here’s what David wrote:

“If Cosby allegations have been floating around for years, why did they go viral now? Although this could have just been a phenomenon of the times, it is also quite possible that there has already been a major shift. The media picked up this story and ran with it — big time. And it keeps getting worse and worse.

The part about the Cosby story that people aren’t talking about yet is media complicity. These crimes are extremely horrifying, particularly to women. If Cosby was a major media figure ever since “I Spy” in the 1960s, the Fat Albert cartoon in the 1970s (which I used to watch,) the Cosby Show and Jello commercials in the 1980s (which again I watched) and on through the 1990s, how in the world did the media not know what he was doing?

Answer: They obviously did. And they were complicit in covering it up. Cosby has become America’s Jimmy Savile. Once again the media are heavily implicated. Given how provably racist the Cabal is, it makes sense that they would only allow a black man to become this powerful of a media figure if they felt they could effortlessly blackmail him. Having some “dirt” on him that is this epic and horrible ensures he will never become a threat to them.”

Well, there you have it. The coincidences are getting too unlikely to ignore!

And remember to heed your own internal impulses!

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