The Daily Forest Report June 18, 2015 Nature’s All-Inclusive Game
by nielskunze on June 18, 2015
This is the game I was born into. In the eyes of Mother, we’re all equal… receiving the same due consideration.
And no matter how chaotic it may seem at times, there is always a precise implicate order biased for balance.
There’s been a fair bit of carnage. This is the third partial hare carcass Sitka has found recently. Notice that only the organs have been removed and very little muscle meat has been consumed. This strongly reminds me of grizzlies during a salmon run; they’ll only eat the brains and the roe during the peak of the run because those are the most nutritious parts. The rest they leave for the birds.
Eventually, it all gets cleaned up and properly recycled. Indeed, we’ve had Turkey Vulture overfly us most days recently– though just beyond the dexterity of me and my camera.
Bear is definitely around…
…the activity is undeniable!
As I ‘put my left foot in,’ I note that me and the bear are roughly the same size. Also note the ‘salad’ between my toes– just as I wrote about in the last Report… between the second and third toes of my left foot– the place of my ‘Spiritual eye.’
Since this year began, I could’ve filled these pages with pictures of coyote and fox poo. There may be as many as 100 piles distributed along our daily route! During the winter I reported that this was the peak year of the Snowshoe Hare 11-year breeding cycle. Every 11 years there’s an explosion in the wild rabbit population. It seems there’s still so many of them that the predators don’t even bother finishing their kills. That must be why there’s such an incredible amount of activity in the area– that, and something to do with me being there all the time too.
Now that’s about 7 or 8 inches long… too big to be any canine, and not at all bear-like.
A week later, after having been driven over by a truck or a quad, the mass of reddish hair suggests very strongly that this is a cougar deposit. The abundance is moving up the food chain… and though the foxes might have it easy securing their prey, they in turn have to keep a wary eye out for those who’d dine on them!
This is the Other Hawk, not Master Red-Tail.
One thing that I’ve noticed recently is that most of my Hawk pictures– including those with Master Red-Tail– are most often taken from behind… but Hawk is always perfectly aware of what is going on behind his back.
The message seems to be clear: watch closely for all that is being maneuvered behind your back! Indeed, with the recent shenanigans with the minor coup staged in the Earth Soul Group, this would seem to be apt advice. Also, the general message discernible from the consistently incredible amount of coyote and fox poop is that there is a great deal of trickery and deception going on right now that remains just out of sight… but the signs are obvious! (Fox is a clever night operator, and a champion of sneaking.)
There may very well be traps being set for us… by those who’d like to continue to control the game, but as long as we immerse ourselves in Nature’s eternal promise, the game is ours; we make the rules, together in balance. Those who would throw us off, themselves will be thrown out; desperation has a way of exposing itself!
Sitka is already fully immersed in the challenge. I have little doubt that she could fend for herself if we were to move to the woods again for a prolonged period.
Although, after we get thoroughly soaked in the rain, she still likes to cuddle up in Dad’s bed.
It seems like many things are coming to a head… but I can’t seem to muster a whole lot of concern. Nature’s got it all worked out… and has for a very long time already.
We’re stepping up and stepping out; Nature’s got our backs… Bring on some more revealing please!
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