The Daily Forest Report May 28, 2015 New Connections and the Astral Kiss-Off

by nielskunze on May 28, 2015

That's More Like It!

That’s More Like It!

Ah, that’s more like it! We got a thorough soaking… and we needed it. The smell of the Forest after a good rain is indescribable. Someone really needs to build the prototype for Smell-A-Vision. (I conceptually invented this about a year ago– totally feasible!)



As summer’s finery begins to come out in staggering variety, the earliest harbingers of the new season go out in a silent ‘blaze’ of glory…

Brand New Logjams

Brand New Logjams

…while down at the river the evidence of the melting snowpack is obvious.

Wild Peas

Wild Peas

And on the riverbanks, the Wild Peas have begun to bloom. The flowers already taste very much like fresh pea pods, so I find very little reason to wait. The actual peas in their pods come later in the heat, but tend to be a bit fibrous and stringy… so the flowers are a nice early season alternative.

Cedar-Hawthorn Rust Spore Masses

Cedar-Hawthorn Rust Spore Masses

Meanwhile, this fungal infection was just waiting for the rain to produce its orange jelly-worm spore masses. It’s a bizarre thing when you first encounter it! (Junipers are in the cedar family– that’s why they’re susceptible.)

Dishevelled Rodney

Dishevelled Rodney

Rodney seemed to tolerate the rain well enough… although remaining rather tight-lipped (beaked?) about the dismembered member of his clan from a few days ago. There seems to be a stark message in that about a radical shift in humanity’s relationship with the whole astral/mental plane. (Birds in general relate to the astral realms.)

Little Bird

Little Bird

Sitka, the forensic archeologist / coroner, found this dead little bird. Well of course she did; that’s what Sitka does! I’m guessing perhaps a siskin, but I didn’t poke around much looking for the yellow markings.

And let me remind you that animals encountered as predator/prey pairings add extra significance to the symbolism involved…

Eighth Snake!

Eighth Snake!

It’s hard to believe that this is already the eighth snake of the season… and it’s still May! Snake is the herald for Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation and Wisdom… Yeah, that sounds about right!

Master Red-Tail Again

Master Red-Tail Again

And just before we got to the power-line yesterday, Hawk called directly to us. I consider this guy to be my personal guardian. He’s gotten very friendly as of late, and isn’t nearly as camera-shy as he used to be.

Watching Over

Watching Over

I’ve caught him a couple of times lately too, silently following. A couple of days ago, I glanced up to track a small plane in the sky overhead, and there was Master Red-Tail quickly ducking behind the trees. It makes me feel very good to know he’s keeping an eye out.

Holding Still

Holding Still

Along with Eagle, Hawk’s favourite food is Snake… Dining on Wisdom; can’t go wrong there!



I bet you’d feel pretty good too knowing this guy was looking out for you every day!

I honour and appreciate the diversity of life I continue to encounter each day!

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