The Daily Forest Report March 24, 2015 We Can Share the Same Love

by nielskunze on March 24, 2015

(Lavender View by Rhombus from their 2008 album Arkadoomia)

Everyone’s got their own agenda.



In the cacophony of conditioned desires, it can be difficult to see our way clear, through to the horizons of our spirit’s infinite potential. Spirit is Life; Life is Spirit. My Spirit comes to me through the Heart of Earth– the same for you. There is only One Spirit here; there is only One Life here.

Sharing is our Nature. Nature knows no other way. There are no exclusive clubs or elite plans, only handfuls of dirt– touching… our fertile hearts…

Smudged Sky

Smudged Sky

In my left hand I held my camera; then, I licked my right thumb and proceeded to smudge the sky and the clouds and the mountain… defended borders melting and merging… This is the Way of it; our words and identities are still too small… Look!

Mythic SkyCrafting

Mythic SkyCrafting

I can just as soon tell you what to see as I can tell you what to dream. Your eyes, both inner and outer, are yours alone, but the story which knits your brow, ploughs furrows in your mind, belongs to all the characters who come to the harvest, who come to the feast. Has there been enough devouring yet?

Just Cuz

Just Cuz

They tell us there’s hell on Earth, or worse, that it’s deep inside Her Heart. And heaven is way beyond untouchable horizons… There are no bodies in heaven; Life is not permitted!

Lavender View

Lavender View

She’s waited so patiently, lovingly, for you to realize (real eyes) how good you’ve already got it here… but the brainwash tells you otherwise (with other-eyes) that something lies awake in your dream, restless, struggling toward a future which can only lie smothered in time’s suffocating narrow-mindedness.



The mathematics of poetry can’t exaggerate enough the true geometrics of time’s endless expanse– not as a tight tangle of yarn, but as stories which bloom, fragrant… sublime.



There’s a part of you, the heretofore most familiar, that hides behind sunglasses nodding… but not having a clue what I’ve written here. And then there’s the part of you that breathes– equal in; equal out. Your breath is the biological pendulum, Spirit’s gold pocket watch… your greater context… And you and I are the containers of time, but so many wish to fly away, while I only want to draw closer…

Hey! A Cloud!

Hey! A Cloud!

…with my breath – taking pictures…

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