The Daily Forest Report March 17, 2015 The Return of Hawk

by nielskunze on March 17, 2015

The first thing I need to report is that we were suddenly thrown right back into full-on winter… which is perfectly typical for March weather in these parts. Nevertheless, it still kind of caught me off guard.

Throwback to Winter

Throwback to Winter

The place where we take these daily walks is about 5km from where I live. On my own deck there was about a half inch of rapidly melting slush when we piled into the truck. My footwear was appropriate for up to an inch of snow… not for the six inches we immediately encountered! Talk about microclimates!

I’ve been telling you recently about the Forest seeming somewhat distant lately. The eagles would circle in the sky conspicuously for us, but at a tremendous distance. The other forest critters too seemed to be keeping their distance. I’ve chalked this up to the need for establishing brand new relationships with the entire natural world, an engrossing and comprehensive task.

The feeling this day, as we walked through the heavily-draped overhanging trees, was one of oppression or even claustrophobia. We couldn’t see a mountain anywhere– despite being in the middle of the mountains; the sky was pressing down on us visibly and figuratively. It was quite a relief when we suddenly spotted Hawk on a power-pole.



He let me snap a couple of pics before flying off into the east toward the Rockies. (I’m assuming a male because it is usually the female who is the larger of the two– being the primary guardian and protector of the nest– and this individual didn’t seem overly large.) Here he is at maximum zoom (200x).

Guardian and Protector

Guardian and Protector

As I’ve indicated, the Forest energy has been rather out-of-the-ordinary. The incredible amounts of coyote poop scattered everywhere has sewn an energy of betrayal and deception throughout the landscape. We are being prepared for revelations of deep betrayal and trickery.

Hawk’s presence, therefore, came as a blessed relief. The Guardian and Protector who was with us nearly every day last spring has returned with fierce reassurances. There is a promise of revelation here… and now. Hawk will keep us from flying off into passionate insanity as we all digest new information about the particulars of this earthly reality… suddenly coming to light.

Astrologically, we are completing and tying up loose ends from things initiated way back in 2008. This includes aspects of personal relationships as well as global events.

These are interesting times indeed.

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