The Daily Forest Report February 14, 2015 Honeysuckle, Canada Geese and Triangulated Heartspace
by nielskunze on February 14, 2015
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(I Can See for Miles by The Who from their 1979 movie soundtrack album The Kids Are Alright on vinyl)If you’re anything like me, you never get tired of the view!
These clear days are begging us to stretch our eyes and de-kink our imaginations…
“Be the cloud, Billy. Be the cloud.”
If the weather is to be believed, then this is the earliest arrival of spring I can recall. The Groundhog’s magic was flawless this year.
From the fields of leftover gold, we are invited to a new prosperity. See how the world shines now!
Everywhere we went, the overpowering fragrance of honeysuckle assailed us, though its source remains an utter mystery, for nothing is quite in bloom yet. After months of smelling only the subtle scent of wet snow, it’s an enlivening and welcome mystery.
Invisibly, the Canada Geese have overflown us three days in a row. They must be flying up above the artist’s brush, beyond the painted sky. Their call to the legendary quest is hard to mistake or ignore.
And as we peer through the curtains, actor to audience, other to self, the show premieres in silence, only the fanfare of running water beneath the truculence of ice betraying a murmur of anticipation.
I triangulate this heartspace daily now, connecting in wide sweeping arcs my heart to Earth Mother’s, and with a third breath, to the heart of a beaming sun. We three walk this sacred experience on my feet alone, while all human desire journeys along… finding ample space to breathe, to quicken our intent for lasting peace.
Perhaps soon I will erect a few inukshuks to really consecrate this place. I want all to have this exquisite experience that is my everyday.
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