The Daily Forest Report January 15, 2015 Bombardier Squirrels and the Martyred Ant

by nielskunze on January 15, 2015

Bombs Away!

Bombs Away!

I think that the squirrels generally enjoy knocking snow off the branches of trees; it gets the dogs going anyway. And then they can always throw pine cones once the snow’s gone. There doesn’t seem to be any maliciousness behind it; Squirrel just doesn’t really give a flying fuck about the activities of marooned surface-dwellers… like me and the dogs.

Other than that, the Forest has been rather quiet this past week. Sure, there’s plenty of fresh tracks: rabbits, deer, elk and the occasional wildcat. But even these seem much more incidental than deliberate attempts at communication.

Riverbend Canyon…der...

Riverbend Canyon…der…

Winter continues its relentless stalking of the River…

Covering Up

Covering Up

It’s closing in now. This is how I’m used to seeing Dutch Creek in winter.



We definitely don’t want to fall through– something which has happened a surprising number of times in years past. Cross-country skis have been lost in there.

And then there was this guy:



Notice how he has one arm straight up, as though to say “Hey teacher! Teacher, pick me!” How he ever got there, marooned in a wide field of snow six inches deep, I can’t even begin to imagine. The temperature has been hovering around -10C, so his appearance here– right beside my path– is rather unlikely, even impossible, and yet there he is.

He had something important to say; he really wants you to get it.

“You misunderstand light, Earth human. You think upon the light as an object… as it is– the basic building block of Creation. But you currently exist– experience— in polarity. In polarity, everything has its opposite. So when it comes to light, you have posited its opposite to be dark. Think on this!

“Objects have no opposites. What is the opposite of a bicycle? What is the opposite of an ant? Light, as an object, has no opposite. The dark is either the absence of the light (as an object) or a creation of the light (as an object). In no way is dark the opposite of light!… Just as ant is not the opposite of bicycle.

“In polarity, we are referring to qualities. It would help to think of light as a quality by renaming it ‘lightness.’ Now, the word ‘lightness’ immediately suggests a suitable opposite. The opposite of light (as a quality) is dense (also a quality). The opposite of enlightenment is density. This is easy to see… once it’s been pointed out.

“The raising of frequency– enlightenment– is a movement away from density. It has very little to do with the dark. If all of your struggle is against the dark, you will likely miss the opportunity to address the real culprit: density.”

Here I need to interject a little reminder. Any classic double-slit physics experiment utilizing light in order to demonstrate the property of interference will necessarily show how dark bands are created on a screen even though they are constructed from light + light (in destructive interference where trough meets crest in the waveform expression of light– as an object, not a quality).

“Physicality, matter, is light held in a tight (dense) configuration. Physical objects reduce light permeability; they cast shadows, hinting at darkness again. Density utilizes darkness, is associated with the dark, but is not equivalent with the dark.

“The darker (colour) an object is, the more light it admits. The lighter (colour) an object is, the more light it reflects. Your current understanding of light, dark and dense is all muddled… by nefarious design. Please correct this.”

Thanks little ant! Will do.

Green Depths

Green Depths

The atmosphere lacks density and casts no shadow. Light penetrates the water and ice to varying degrees. How dense are we… still?

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