The Daily Forest Report December 17, 2014 The Murder of Innocence
by nielskunze on December 17, 2014
We are all culpable in the collective healing taking place.
(In Every Garden by Echolyn from their 1992 album Suffocating the Bloom)
Sometimes I forget that I’m riding the crest of the timewave. I experience it first individually… as a preview to the collective unfoldment. I’m already dialled into the new connectivity, and it feels pretty good.
As the picture becomes clearer and clearer, I have to remember that there’s still equal measures of that which uplifts and that which disturbs.
We are each the naked eye looking into the distance of our own forgetfulness. What we will remember and rediscover will be both beautiful and disgusting.
Our innocence seems a far off place, but in truth it is the immediacy of the 5-year-old child we each carry in our hearts. It is both near and faaar.
Tomorrow comes with a Graphic Content Warning.
Proceed at your own risk… or stop scrolling now, and hide your courage where no one will ever find it!
I told you the bunnies were vulnerable! The snow melted, and they were everywhere exposed. We, nor they, could pretend otherwise.
Sitka is the kindest, most compassionate dog I have ever known. But she is a dog… and let’s face it, rabbits are tasty. Denial provides no way through whatever needs to be revealed (reviled)… (relived).
Yes, I was shocked, and I’m prepared to be shocked again. In the end, I let her eat the heart and the lungs… after she figured out how to eat fresh rabbit. (She struggled to spit out mouthfuls of fur.)
Not every poem is pretty.
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