The Daily Forest Report December 11, 2014 Sloshing Through a Soggy Wonderland
by nielskunze on December 11, 2014
Okay, let’s talk about the weather.
Let’s see… what’s the right word? Drastic? Chaotic? Extreme? Somewhat beyond variable, I’m sure!
Climate-change alarmists are assuredly basking in an ever-rising ocean of I-told-you-so energy! But you know what’s missing from the climate change discussion? What’s been missing all along? Climate models, predictive or otherwise, regard weather phenomena as purely mechanical systems… as though living ecosystems, intelligence, consciousness have no bearing whatsoever.
You’ve heard of Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis; it’s been around since the early seventies… You know, that crazy idea that the planet itself is conscious. Have consciousness researchers been able to put forward a theory of how consciousness arises that couldn’t be equally applied to a planet as to a human being? Hint: consciousness is NOT brain-dependent. How do I know? The cabbages at McGill University hooked up to an EEG told me so!
You don’t need a brain in order to be conscious. (The reverse is painfully true as well: having a brain is no guarantee of consciousness… just look around!)
We still love to treat complex systems in a strictly Newtonian fashion and call ourselves scientific in the process. Maybe a hundred years ago you could get away with that, but you know what? Quantum physics isn’t some obscure special-case science which only applies to highbrow esoteric stuff; it applies to everything. In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s the ‘new’ physics paradigm– only it’s almost a hundred years old already. Time we caught up, don’t you think?
With a little determination and perhaps some lubricant, I could bury my head in this new winter burrow… but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t help any.
The weather is a direct reflection– or manifestation— of collective consciousness. Although humans play a central role in that collective, it also includes all of the Animal Nations, Forest deliberations, the musings of Mountains and the consciousness of Gaia herself.
The fact that the weather is currently so extremely variable is exciting! Things are moving, being shaken up. It’s anything but business-as-usual.
For eons, this planet has been out of balance. Collective consciousness has been covertly dominated by a few elitists who haven’t had the best interests of all in mind. We are currently in a correction of just this.
As conscious human beings, we can offer ourselves as stabilizing forces, working in conjunction and communion with Earth Mother, acknowledging all of the other conscious players too– Mountains, Forests, Animals, etc.
Weather warfare is ongoing; the elitists are still up to their old worn-out tricks. Perhaps you’d like to cast your vote for balance? For harmony? Daily? Yes, daily. Meditate on it…
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