The Daily Forest Report December 9, 2014 Spidercount Six and Random Hunks of Meat

by nielskunze on December 9, 2014

Sometimes– perhaps often now– things tend toward the absurd. I mean, have we really already gotten to the point where we’re able to alter the very laws of physics? It would appear so!

Reverse Craters

First, let us establish that it is still very much a winter wonderland out there. A warming trend is beginning to settle in, but it hasn’t quite broken the freeze just yet.

Winter 1

The path ahead, behind and really all around is still blanketed in snow. Temperatures are pleasant, but the big melt isn’t really underway just yet.

Now, let us examine the anomalies.

As we all know by now, Sitka is very astute at finding the darnedest things. The first random hunk of something she uncovered in the snow was unidentifiable. It could’ve been the organs of a small eviscerated critter, or even perhaps some frozen poo. It didn’t have any noticeable smell, and I didn’t photograph it. After several insistent pleas I persuaded Sitka to not eat it. (She’ll probably run ahead today and gulp it down before I can get there to stop her… her usual MO.)

Shortly thereafter, Sitka was seen in the open field chewing on something else… a bit of something she’d uncovered in the snow which now dangled from her active jaws. I had to investigate.

This one was clearly flesh of some sort.

Random Meat

This one I did photograph… and it did have the distinct aroma of rotting meat. Again, I persuaded Sitka to not eat it… yet. The strange thing about it, though, was that it wasn’t at all frozen, despite having been buried in the snow. How could it be partially rotted, buried in the snow, and not at all frozen? For the previous two weeks we had been in a deep freeze! The mystery meat did not make any sense. We moved on…

Yesterday, I posted a new TOURS (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) Message in which I wrote: “A spiderwork of connections has slashed through the curtains, leaving them in tatters and heaps.” I was describing the very brand new neural net which has established itself within the Collective Consciousness of humanity… a new creative weaving of “spider” energy. (Grandmother Spider weaves reality’s matrix.)


Lo and behold, we kept finding marooned spiders adrift upon oceans of snow! In all, we encountered six spiders scattered over a sizeable area standing atop a frozen landscape. It was still below freezing; the snow wasn’t melting. Nevertheless, the spiders could move– albeit slowly– when I caressed them with my finger!

I hope you agree that these are difficult encounters to explain according to mundane reasoning. Have we truly finally left the world of mundane reasoning behind?

Spider’s symbolism deals with issues of death and rebirth, creativity, and she has always been a popular totem among authors. I always welcome her energy.

I have always lived immersed in magick… and I see Spider’s presence here as a global invitation for humanity to do the same. As always… you decide.

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