The Daily Forest Report December 6, 2014 Blessed Relief
by nielskunze on December 6, 2014
I don’t know how you people do it!
Circumstances had conspired to keep me away from the Forest and cooped up in the house for five days… and I nearly went bat-shit crazy!
Thankfully, all is now back to normal– within the greater context of the ongoing apocalypse, of course.
(Blessed Relief by Frank Zappa from one of his 1972 albums The Grand Wazoo)
Astrologers, intuitives, channellers and the like all have been reporting a marked intensification of energies in recent weeks. A strong wind is blowing through humanity’s collective right now.
As for myself, I definitely felt out of sorts… kind of like a mountain who’s lost its head. For five consecutive days I felt restless and generally uncomfortable. My body felt like it was suddenly a couple of sizes too big… and I was rattling around inside it wondering whether some part of me had shrunk or whether the whole world had just gotten bigger. I suspect it’s a bit of both. All of the old ways of relating to the world around me have changed or simply dropped away. There’s suddenly more space in the world for forward thinking… and doing. Something sinister has finally lost its stranglehold. (Will the cosmic grand jury also fail to indict? *shrug)
Getting back to the Forest– or as I like to call it, the Real World– was exactly what I needed to integrate this latest energetic fluctuation. I’m still amazed at how a long walk in the woods can unfailingly set everything aright. If you’re struggling, I strongly suggest you make every effort to connect with the natural world in any way you can. Feeling kinship with the Eternal Beauty sustaining all life in perpetuity brings unparalleled contentment.
We’re catching clearer glimpses now of the path ahead. Only by fixating on unsustainable systems as they crumble and fall in our backward gaze may still lead us astray. Staying within the power point of the moment we are able to take action– often improvised– in order to step into the heartfelt longing of our soul’s true purpose.
Grieve not for that which passes… and realize that the devil is still in the details, but his old familiar haunts lie exposed now. The lion has awakened, and the mouse barely merits attention. The devil has always been but a mouthful: either endless conniving words going in circles, or a tasty little snack to swallow, digest and fertilize tomorrow’s garden…
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