The Daily Forest Report November 3, 2014 Lost in the Land of Plenty

by nielskunze on November 3, 2014

Our little corner of the world continues to delight and surprise!


(Rhayader by Camel from their 1975 album Music Inspired by the Snow Goose)

The geese in the above pic were difficult to see, but the racket they were producing with their honks directed me to the place in the sky where to zoom in with my camera. They sounded very enthusiastic! (That’s a pretty loosey-goosey formation though!)


When Sitka’s not busy dragging the cloven spines and pelvises of slain dragons onto the road…


…she’s finding the feet of freshly-killed deer. The hunting in our neck of the woods this year has been rather exceptional. There’s plenty of game out there, and I don’t begrudge our local hunters their opportunity to supply themselves with the highest quality meat available.

As we approached Sasquatch Alley, it was apparent that another kill was just around the corner. The fussing of ravens alerted us long before we came upon the scene. Sitka scared up about twenty of the ornery birds along with one bald eagle who had taken command of the situation. (Yes, eagles are known to scavenge too.)


Sitka rather likes hunting season, I surmise.


For my part, I’m still finding plenty of forage to feast upon. Red clover blossoms in November is something unexpected and new; keep it coming!


Winter keeps flashing its bright smile, but hasn’t deigned to venture down into the valley yet. Soon, I know, the ground will be frozen and I will be unable to dig any more wild onions. But lately, the onions along my route have practically been leaping onto the path in front of me. Throughout the summer season, they can be fairly elusive, difficult to spot. But now with winter looming, it’s as though they are doing everything possible to catch my eye. It seems they’d rather go on a brief ‘human trip’ as I ingest them than having to overwinter in the frozen ground. I’m happy to oblige them. They’re actually fricken delicious!


The tattered curtain is lifting on our world, and the truth of abundance is not so easily covered with lies of scarcity anymore!

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