The Daily Forest Report November 1, 2014 Our Moral Choices Carry a New Weight and Momentum

by nielskunze on November 1, 2014


(Land’s End by Baka Beyond from their 1998 album Journey Between)

(I was looking for music that had an earthy feel… I hope this qualifies. And the pictures are just really autumn leftovers.)


The scales of Earth consciousness are weighted differently now. Perhaps you’ve noticed that even tiny acts of compassion seem to carry a disproportionate weight and momentum now. It’s as though the Earth herself is favouring our higher moral choices over our base history of cruelty. Well, she is.

Earth herself is a big player. When she shifts her ‘attitude’ the whole game changes. But don’t take my word for it; check it out for yourself. Previously, Earth favoured ‘the dark’ because we were collectively exploring separation, secrecy, elitism, etc… And now we’ve turned the corner.

The external journey of the Light Creation is elliptical. First it travels outward away from the creative Source, differentiating, individuating; then, at perigee, the whole process turns the corner and begins moving back to Source through a process of integration. Above all else, integration requires compassion.

So many of us can feel that something monumental has changed… but we still can’t find adequate correlates in the world around us to fully convince us. “It looks like the same old pile of shit to me!”

It’s not, but you have to prove that to yourself. I’ve said a few times recently: it’s time to get ‘witchy.’ Truthers, starseeds and lightworkers have long hoped that Earth could again be a magickal enchanted place, where it’s easy to do the right thing… and get the right result.

What if you could talk to the land and ask it for your favourite foods? Or talk to the sky to get a bit of needed rain? Or maybe you’d talk to your food and ask that any contaminants just pass through as your body only absorbs the best of its nutrition? Or try placing a jug of drinking water on a little note containing the words “health, love and joy” to positively affect your health. Or whatever you can think of…

The Earth is supporting your integrative, compassionate acts. Especially be compassionate to yourself. Earth needs you now more than ever! Cast little loving spells; play with your own re-enchantment.

It’s time; it’s true.


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