The Daily Forest Report October 28, 2014 Behind the Paper Dragon
by nielskunze on October 28, 2014
“Forget that fear of gravity…” and all the rest of ’em too!
(Gravity by Max Webster from their 1981 Greatest Hits album on vinyl.)
There is a golden treasure hidden behind our greatest fears. As the World-Devouring Machine begins to fall into serious disrepair, it garners more and more attention. For so long the Monster was either denied or taken for granted. Now, as it enters its death throes, it pulls the attention of the masses. “Something is massively wrong with the world!” No! Something was massively wrong with the world; now we’ve entered the phase of its correction.
Merely giving our attention to the Monster and feeding it with our fear makes it look bigger and more menacing than it really is. It’s an illusion of our perception. It’s actually shrinking… going away. Turn away… and attend to the blessings in your life.
Fresh goji berries just in time for Halloween– who ever heard of such a thing! If you’ve never tried growing goji berries at home, might I suggest that you do? They’re foolproof and very hardy. Typically they’re rated as a zone 5 perennial, but my bushes have survived the last few winters beautifully, and those bitches (winters) were zone 3 at least!
And our steadfast ally, Sabaoth, is supporting us energetically in our time of need, releasing numerous huge X-class flares… but without the usual accompanying CMEs. It’s all for your upliftment, dear human.
And Earth still stuns us with her beauty as we stand together…
…laying rich and fertile plans, already, for next year.
Enjoy the bounty of these times… and don’t let the Monster getcha!
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