The Daily Forest Report October 15, 2014 Every Rat Has Its Day
by nielskunze on October 15, 2014
Rat is the master of empire.
Partway up the Purple Cliff, Pack Rat has made his new home. It looks kinda cozy.
Although lab rats tend to look a bit creepy with their naked tails and bulgy eyes, the wild pack rat is really rather cute. It’s just his tendency to smell mildly of skunk and his incessant need to collect things, rearrange things, makes him an affront to orderliness.
I’ve live-trapped and released four of the little buggers now. They’ll take over your entire home if you let them!
Amidst the greed, waste and sheer excess of imperialism, Pack Rat– and rats in general– thrive like no other. They are some of the most adaptable animals around, able to make the most of nearly every opportunity, including opportunities which wouldn’t even be recognized as such by others.
In the Empire of the Controllers, Rat is the ultimate rebel. He will not conform to any civilized notion of orderliness. He very much has his own ideas about how his little corner of the world should be arranged… and he really doesn’t care what you think of him and his activities. His ideas about life make sense to only him… and he is ready to accept the responsibility for his own decisions. He does not respond well to persuasion; he will insist upon force in order to remove him from his entrenched and enacted ideas.
As the Empire crumbles, it is Rat who rejoices the loudest. He feeds on chaos, reducing it to manageable waste. He strikes true fear in the hearts of those who rely too heavily upon the accruements of civilized systems. He lives and thrives in the cracks and pores of unsustainabilty. He is perhaps Nature’s best argument for the rewilding of the world.
He is a difficult guest to welcome openly into your life, but in times of tumultuous transition his teachings are priceless!
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