The Daily Forest Report October 8, 2014 Awaken the Belly Brain

by nielskunze on October 8, 2014

Dream from your belly, not from your head.


Our connection to this beautiful Earth is primarily visceral. We connect most intimately through our gut.


Although I am provided with a daily visual feast, the real intimacy of shared being comes through the things that I eat. I am what I eat… as are you. In this physical expression, I am Earth.


Whether the petals of a late-season daisy…


…or a mild autumn aster, my forest foods directly feed my belly brain.

Eighty percent of our immune system resides in the gut. That’s the front lines where first contact is made. The immune system is responsible for deciding what is ‘self’ and what is ‘other.’ Despite what our heads may think, designating certain items as food, if our guts don’t recognize it as real food, it is treated as a foreign invader– as a germ, or poison, or merely as waste. Practically all processed ‘food’ falls into this category.

Our immune systems and especially our guts have been severely compromised by a lifetime of abuse. Our belly brains have been overwhelmed for so long that they barely function anymore. The consciousness which resides in the gut is imprisoned by old impactions and stagnates from misuse and neglect. But who cares, right? As long as the intellect still functions…

Proper dreaming occurs via the dream body which is a projection of belly consciousness. Dreaming accessed through the head (crown chakra or pineal gland) is merely astral masturbation. To dream with the ancestors or the future generations waiting to incarnate here, we need to dream with Earth Mother. Our primary connection to Earth is through the gut. I hope this is rather obvious.

We are meant to dream with Earth, especially now. Our lives may very well depend on it!


And here’s a tidbit of esoteria… our dream bodies are not merely equipped to function while we’re asleep. They may accompany our waking-life missions as well. For instance, you may be inspired to project your dream body from a healthy enlivened gut into the sky in order to deal with chemtrails and the like… or perhaps to travel vast distances to deliver messages to loved ones. Dream bodies are pliable and versatile; it’s time we used them for the magic they represent.

It’s time to get witchy.

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