The Daily Forest Report September 27, 2014 Colouring Outside the Lines

by nielskunze on September 27, 2014

“It’s the new Splendid Lady come to call…”

(No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature by The Guess Who from their 1970 album American Woman)

I like it when I’m not the only one colouring outside of the lines. Even as a child it seemed as though my crayons had a mind of their own. But now Mother Nature has said “The lines were never real anyway… Life blends into life… into larger life… into love… all inclusive.”

The two yellow salsifies pictured above aren’t quite as crisp as I’d like my photos to be; sorry about that. It was surprising however to see them resurface at this time of year… but that’s just the kind of year it’s been!


And here’s a wild strawberry flower from the day before.

It used to be, just a few short years ago, that everything had its season. The whole Forest orchestration was conducted according to the age-old song sheet. Each had their place and their moment to shine and sing within well-delineated structures and bounds. Now we’ve moved into some freeform avant-garde jazz improvisation.

Individuals within the Forest matrix are claiming their freedom and sovereignty. This is the first year that the dandelions have bloomed throughout the entire season. I haven’t gone a single day this summer season without eating a few dandelions. The old patterns have lost their constraints.

It seems that this testing of ancient boundaries is something we’re doing together– the New Mother Nature and I. Even the edges of the seasons have blurred, where a few days of autumn can show up in the middle of summer or spring can throwback to winter at any moment. I don’t feel that this is anything to be afraid of.

The Forest and I are responding to each other, redefining the relationships between us. Everything which I have daily expressed a genuine appreciation for has thrived and proliferated– strawberries, saskatoons, cranberries, green gooseberries, etc. And even those which I didn’t much care for, like buffalo berry or too many clover blossoms, have been greatly diminished in order to make room for my preferences instead.

It’s fascinating to watch… and rewarding… and endlessly encouraging.

Do try to fully develop your relationship to the New Mother Nature; it is still my highest recommendation in these challenging times.

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