The Daily Forest Report September 20, 2014 This Blog Post Does Not Exist
by nielskunze on September 20, 2014
“Is your blog for real?!!”
(This Song Does Not Exist by Opposite Day from their 2005 album Fictional Biology)
I’m a fiction writer… or am I?
As the landscape paints itself anew each day, we are invited into a mythos of unending, ever-changing beauty. To believe, or not to believe… that is the answer.
My life has been so mythic for so long now, the edges of my imagination are smudged and blurred…
But clearly, anyone with eyes to see knows an extracted dragon’s tooth is no mere fantasy. Sometimes it’s comforting to know that dragons are nearby. This one is from a green dragon…
In autumn, nothing is true for long. Those power poles can be photoshopped by your mind… if you don’t mind.
The roses are redding.
And hypothetically… some guerrilla farming endeavours might stand out like dog’s balls right now!
But please remember, this blog post does not exist. Explain that to the “authorities.”
But I’ll tell you what is real…
Shaggy manes!
And everything I put in my belly.
I’ll tell you what… There is a very deep satisfaction– at a visceral level, at a deeply subconscious level– derived from knowing that the natural world loves me. It keeps my belly full every day… no matter what ‘news’ tries to empty me out. I’m taken care of… and so are you, if you care to check.
By tomorrow, these shaggy manes will be a puddle of black ink. (They’re also known as ink caps.) And from that I will write something anew… something mythic… because there is nothing mundane left that needs doing.
It’s all done.
(You must have imagined reading this blog post… for, clearly, it does not exist!)
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