The Daily Forest Report September 17, 2014 Two Feet and a Heartbeat

by nielskunze on September 17, 2014

The last Forest Report about karma really struck a nerve… in a good way.

All that we have taken for granted for countless lifetimes is up for review… and you get to decide.


(Glenn Tipton by Sun Kil Moon from their 2002 album Ghosts of the Great Highway)

This is a haunting and perplexing song… and for that reason it seems most appropriate.

So many people were happy to learn that karma doesn’t apply to the neutral perspective. Now let’s have a go at the chakras. I’ll give you a lot of information; you can take it or leave it… or any portion of it.


Earth is the centre of our experience… yet how many deny her life and love?

The astral realms are not an organic part of Earth. Through the seven main chakras we connect to dreaming within the various levels of the astral.

Through the heart, we dream with Earth Mother. At the North Pole, the Aurora Borealis, we dream with our soul-family ancestors. At the South Pole, the Aurora Australis, we dream with the seven generations of future incarnations.

The beings in the astral realms are non-earthling intercessors. The Moon is a gate for soul immigration– Earth’s adopted children. Earth Mother loves all her children equally. She accepts her role as the place for resolution.

There are about one billion incarnated humans whose souls are intrinsically aligned with the Earth. They/we are not particularly susceptible to mind control. The remainder of the population are aligned to foreign star-nations. They are greatly prone to mind control.

The chakras are an ancient energy-harvesting system for the sustenance of the astral realms.

During Earth’s current ascension phase, all timelines exiting the astral have been severed. The astral realms are closed.

Earth offers a single timeline stretching through ascension toward planetary unity. It is the only organic future available.

The pineal gland is a foreign (astral) installation. It connects through the mental body to the astral realms and their denizens. Non-heart-centred meditation, prayer and energy work feeds the astral and its denizens.

The three chakras above the heart can be lowered into the heart connection. The three chakras below the heart can be raised into the heart connection. The heart and the feet connect to the Earth… the future… the way forward.

We can’t think our way out of this current Earth experience. We will feel our way with two feet and a heartbeat.

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