The Daily Forest Report September 12, 2014 Out on a Ledge…

by nielskunze on September 12, 2014


Grandmother Spider has woven her designs well above the ‘animal’ fray. I suspect that she may have grown weary of me destroying her carefully laid plans with my face. I don’t much like walking into spider webs continuously!

And speaking of elevating oneself ‘above it all’…


Beginning last year, Wasp had come to represent the Old Guard– the Controllers. The paper houses which they typically build I’ve likened to a precarious house of cards… at this time. It also fits with a favourite song of mine, Collapsing Paper Mansion.


Here we see their lofty abode firmly attached to a very precarious ledge above the Purple Cliff. (The dream talisman of the beaver tail lies buried at the base of the Purple Cliff… along with Raven’s feather.) I’ve been given a warning…

The Old Guard has always elevated themselves above the masses. They claim a privileged position in our society… without any basis in true merit. The ledge above to which they steadfastly cling is unstable and poised to fall. They are nevertheless desperate to demonstrate their ‘superiority’ once and for all.

Grandmother Spider is warning of an intricate plan for a false flag event. You can almost sense their desperation as they quickly lose their grip on the reins of control. Their control of the media is in a shambles! They now require something as catalyzing– or even more so– as the events of 9/11 in order to stand a chance of regaining their iron grip. Much has been building.


Look closely at the markings on the back of Grandmother Spider. Is it the caduceus or the crucifix? Either way, she gives us reassurance.

If the same monkeys who produced and put out the recent beheading videos are the same ones who are co-ordinating this false flag attack, then we have nothing to worry about. They will botch it so badly that they will undeniably expose themselves in the process. Only complete morons will buy into the official tally of events.

The most likely times at which this horrific bit of theatre might occur are as follows:

September 12, 2014 (tonight): Numerologically, this reduces to a 28/1 day. The keywords for this vibration are: contradictions, competition, surprise and unusual events. Brand new situations or conditions are initiated on 1 days. This is the day with the highest probability.

September 13, 2014: This date reduces to a 29/11. Eleven is a master number requiring higher discernment and spiritual grounding. If the demands of 11 cannot be met, it devolves into a 2 vibration which includes the potential for trauma and emotional upset. The keywords for this vibration are: learning period, commercial opportunities and help offered. This one has only a medium probability.

September 16, 2014: This reduces to a 32/5 vibration. The original 9/11 attack in 2001 was carried out under a 5 vibration (23). Its association with the pentagram increases the efficacy of black magic. The keywords for this vibration however are: good news, humour, rewards, and victory. This one is not very likely.

After the 16th, we seem to be in the clear.

And here is a very well researched article from for further reading if you’re interested:

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