The Daily Forest Report September 8, 2014 Sacred Space

by nielskunze on September 8, 2014

For many, the challenge of these times has been to ‘hold space’ for transformational energies to bring about change.


(Labyrinth by Happy The Man from their 3rd album “Better Late…” recorded at “the band house” in 1979 and released on CD in 1989)

Like air rushing into a vacuum, magick rushes in to fill the unspoken and irresistible invitation created by sacred space. And we all want a little magick in our lives.


If you designate or otherwise create sacred space, magick can’t help but attend that space… and the very nature of magick is to enchant and delight.

Now, following up from the last Forest Report, I need to clarify that Sitka definitely did NOT kill the beaver whose tail I received. Even the intrepid Munkie Dunky couldn’t possibly kill an adult beaver and remove its tail without sustaining a scratch or getting covered in blood. No, Sitka is just an opportunist whose forte is scavenging. I don’t know what befell the beaver’s fate.

The ‘gift’ has already proven itself magickally… as a navigation device in the DreamRealms. Yesterday, as we returned to the place at the Purple Cliff where Sitka presented me with Beaver’s gift, I made some permanent arrangements to place it within safe-keeping forevermore.


This is the Purple Cliff… by the river.


And this is the talisman as I left it the day before. The carrion beetles are amazingly efficient at sniffing such things out and properly dealing with them. (Carrion beetles must be German, I think.)


For the past week or more, Raven has been gently harassing us, but I hadn’t figured out what he was talking about.


Now that I’ve buried the beaver tail along with the ‘oiled quill’ from Raven, the Forest’s sensibilities seem to be satisfied. They now reside permanently beneath the Purple Cliff… and my forays into the Dreamtime are exquisitely guided and clear. I anticipate that there will be much to report on this front in the coming days and months.


The Mesa is sacred space by default– it was created that way. It is my task to maintain it as such… and share it with the world. The upcoming event, the Concert for Bigsquatch, is the establishment and sharing of just that.


These additional views from the Mesa are intended as inspiration. Please consider joining me on the night of September 23rd– the Libra new moon. All are welcome.


The sacredness of the space on the Mesa will be reinforced with a salt-line perimeter and a sacred heart-fire at its centre. I will audio and video record the event for everyone. My twelve-string guitar will be tuned to A=432 Hz. I will spend the night physically grounded to the Earth via a buried grounding rod and an earthing pad.

We will attempt to link the Jenna Mae Initiative (the tree-hugging network) to the sacred Dreamtime. Everyday, as I commune with the Hugging Tree, I am pleasantly astounded at the level of ‘heart-melt energy’ that is building through our combined efforts. We are sharing sacred space with each other.

The goal is to eventually reclaim the entire planet as Sacred Space!

(And just one final note: I know it’s pretty cool having a beaver tail as a Dreamtime navigation tool and talisman, but please do not go out and try to procure such a device for yourself. There was a confluence of very unlikely circumstances which brought this one into my possession. To go out and deliberately kill a beaver for its magickal tail would render the gift ineffectual and offensive!)

Simply go about creating your own sacred space in any manner that suits you… and the magick will undoubtedly fulfill its obligation to bless you abundantly. Any space can be made sacred… and especially that space around you which you carry with you everywhere you go. Fill out the light of your aura from your heart and you will always walk in sacredness… and magick will be your constant companion!

I hope to see you on the 23rd.

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