The Daily Forest Report September 3, 2014 The Big Badass Who Cried Wolf

by nielskunze on September 3, 2014

The way is opening up… for those who care to look.


(The Great Men– edited for time constraints, by Echolyn from their 3CD-set A Little Nonsense 1989 to 2000)

Our western mainstream media is the most propagandized on the planet. Most can see it clearly now, as the daily news narrative breaks down into nonsense and noise, losing focus and coherence– other than the incessant cries of “Putin is evil! Putin is a liar! Putin must be stopped!” and “ISIS is the Devil… crawled out from a hole in the desert, fully funded and armed to the teeth!” And ebola… hardly merits even a mention.

Fortunately, the only demographic in the west wherein the majority still believes that the mainstream media is providing the balanced truth is the category of 65 and older. Only the oldest– most habituated– segment of society is uncritically parroting the mainstream memes. Everyone else is at least taking a peak at the other perspectives fleshed out on the internet daily… which is not to say that whatever is printed on the internet necessarily has merit, but it’s better to gain the perspective of a handful of half-truths than to blindly follow a single blatant lie.


Coyote rubs elbows with the Devil. Trickery is their mutual forte. Although this recent deposit from Coyote is fresh, it lacks substance; it’s all fluff, ready to be dispersed by the wind.

The Devil talks a good game– mostly. But there comes a time when the world just shakes its head and says “Enough!” Indeed, the public has a short memory span, but as the lies are caught out daily, even the severely hypnotized begin to catch on. “Hey, it’s all just a long string of lies. Why should we believe you this time?” Why indeed?

If only it was merely a cute little boy crying wolf too often, we might forgive and extend the benefit of the doubt one more time. But when it’s the Big Badasses of the western elite… well, even your shit lacks substance at this point! Stop the war-mongering, and seek real solutions… for once.

We’re into crunch time now. Expect the Devil to throw a huge hissy-fit… but please don’t fall for it. He’s going to try to look really ugly and really scary, but unless you’re meeting him in person and can verify his tale, don’t believe a lying word he says.

Fear is the only real enemy.

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