The Daily Forest Report August 31/September 1, 2014 Concert for Bigsquatch

by nielskunze on August 31, 2014

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(Handful of Sand by my band, Missing Peace, composed by Niels in the mid-nineties. Over the years I’ve been surprised how many people recognize that Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was the inspiration for this song.)

I was thinking about playing my guitar in the woods…


…and Hawk called to me three times. I wondered if it was time to begin the Tale of the Ancient Sorcerers, as it was Hawk’s tale to tell. I only saw her briefly, through the shadows in the treetops. She refused my offer of another photo op.

Rather, she affirmed that it is time for an announcement. It’s my announcement, not hers. It’s been in the back of my mind all summer, ever since I encountered the Bigsquatch prints in the spring. I want to do a concert for Bigsquatch on the Mesa, an overnighter… with guitar(s).

I’ve always wanted to camp on the Mesa. It’s such a powerful spot.


There are views onto about thirty different mountain peaks from the Mesa…


The above pic looks back upon the Resort below which my house is located… down from the ski hill.


But this side of the Valley feels more like home.



Two friends and I assembled this fire pit on the Mesa during the solar eclipse in May of 2012. It’s never been used. There’s been many campfire bans. With recent rains and more on the way, we should be good to go.

So here’s the plan:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 to Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I will camp on the Mesa
during the New Moon (00:14)
in a sacred circle… energetically cleansed and protected
with my guitar
and I will play and sing
for the Forest
and the Sasquatch People’s ears
and I will sing and play to the fire
and I invite you to join me
so you can play and sing too
to the fire and the moon…
Unburden from our miscreations
Sharing, seeding our new creations…
New Moon intentions…
And then in a fortnight,
when the moon is full
and in eclipse
We’ll do it all again.

I will bring along some sacred beers made with wildcrafted items from the Mesa and surrounds. And perhaps some other sacred herbs and such…


But sshhh… don’t tell anybody. That’s just between you and me.

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