The Daily Forest Report August 29, 2014 In Silence Shouts the Forest’s Solace

by nielskunze on August 29, 2014

It’s getting intense, no?


With oiled quill I write…

The first thing I need to report is my near incapacity to even write this post. My right arm has mostly gone offline. I type exclusively with my right hand… so this hurts… a lot!

The crazy thing is that I’m pretty much used to this sort of thing. Once a year for the last decade or so, I experience these utterly causeless pains in the soft tissue in various places throughout my body– usually my lower back, my neck or my shoulder (usually the right).

For a couple of days I can feel it coming on, building to an excruciating crescendo. That’s where I am now. The centre and front deltoids of my right shoulder are completely inflamed and 90% unusable. And before you ask, I didn’t do anything. It comes out of nowhere, placing me into forced partial immobility. And then, typically, after a day or two, it just fades away.

The Forest says that it’s all part of the recalibration process for higher functioning. Right now it feels like my entire right arm is being reattached to my heart centre– after being torn from its socket. I’m right-handed, so this has something to do with my capacity for doing sacred work in the world– without trying to carry the entire world on my shoulders constantly!

The Trees offer sweet relief in every moment. They’re very excited about the light grid we’ve begun to energize through our tree-hugging efforts, also known as the Jenna Mae Initiative. As awakened humans connect with the natural life-force antennas of the planet, our intentions for peace and sovereignty are energized, enlivened.

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This is the ‘forest’ the controllers have been using for their divide-and-conquer agenda.


And this is ours. Advantage us. Every attempt has been made to eliminate Nature’s entangled diversity through clear-cutting and replanting with uniformly spaced monocultures… but still the wild places endure and beg our deeper engagement.

The trees, the Forests are working with us, shouting their encouragement in every moment. They are incorruptible, powerful and wise. They are the most patient and potent allies we could ever hope for.

Pour your love for the Earth into a tree near you… and we will all heal this experience together.

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