The Daily Forest Report August 25, 2014 In Duality The Question & the Answer Co-Create Each Other

by nielskunze on August 25, 2014

A little bit of Reality 101…

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(Meaning and the Moment by Echolyn from their 3-CD set A Little Nonsense 1989-2000)

Changing of seasons… changing of worlds…

I still find the occasional raspberry, but the season is pretty much done. The high bush cranberries are gone now too… but I did manage to find about ten times more of them this year over last. If next year we can have a tenfold increase again… then I can capture them in a brew.


The puffballs are back now that the rains have returned.


They’re not very big, but they’re tasty enough.


Now it’s choke cherries and rose hips. The choke cherries are quite popular among the birds, so there’s fierce competition as they come into full ripeness, losing all bitterness and astringency. The rose hips are fat and abundant… and so far they seem devoid of the maggoty things from last year. No extra protein for me… oh well!

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Dragonfly’s iridescence is a trick of the light; the dualistic nature of reality is likewise a trick of the light.

“Consciousness is singular, seamless and the full creator of the show. Ego was created to hide the moment-to-moment magic of your ongoing creational abilities. It all comes from you as you entangle with the quantum field… but you can’t see it… because you strongly identify with ego.

“Ego is a lens through which the portion of Reality you are currently prepared to work with is focused (‘created’). The ‘reality’ of your world of experience presents itself as a mystery to be solved. As you solve it, you detach from your identification with ego.

“In duality– the realm created by the false separation of ego from the conscious totality– your thinking presents questions to which experience provides answers. The ‘answers’ reside in the undifferentiated consciousness– the seamless inner totality… but they are not ‘answers’ as such until ego poses the question.

“Consciousness contains all that is. Whatever is, exists in consciousness… is consciousness. You find the continual need to question (the basis for linear time) because you have lost touch (identification) with your own totality. The lens of ego poses questions as you redefine Reality in dualistic terms– an exercise you chose.

“It seems inordinately complex. It is simple. All the answers you seek are exactly what you are… have always been. You carry it all inside yourself every moment… and project it outwards in various time streams. You are unaware of the projection… and that is forever your own blameless choice.”

Um, thanks Dragonfly. Might need to read than one over a couple more times!

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