The Daily Forest Report August 10, 2014 Ambassadors to the Shining World

by nielskunze on August 10, 2014

This is kind of a continuation from yesterday…


(Chameleon’s Teardrop (Makes a Rainbow) by my band, Missing Peace, from our 1996 debut album Tense Moments, composed by Niels in 1992 and I believe the lyrics also appear in Book 1 of the Muse Trilogy.)

I selected this track primarily for the lyric “What about the poetry of union? What of the collaborative mind?”

Today’s report will feature pics of some of my favourite trees.

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I began conversing with trees back in 1994. That’s when they first told me about the Shining World. That was before I had ever heard of ascension or even multidimensionality.

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The trees have always been very close allies of humanity even though we probably don’t really deserve their steadfast friendship.


But they’re tough and resilient… able to grow directly from rock outcroppings!

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And they leave the most beautiful corpses!


You may recall that last year I drew up a “contract” in order to establish an alliance with the Nature Kingdoms and the Animal Nations. That “contract” is buried on the Mesa. The trees have always been a part of that agreement. What we’re doing right now on Earth, this slow apocalypse, is not just a “human thing.” Every life on Earth is intimately involved. Affirming our agreements with all of life is a good daily practice. That’s why the Jenna Mae Initiative as described in yesterday’s Report is so intriguing.

Yesterday, as I laid down the first hug, it was easy to feel expansion in my heartspace. It’s like the trees themselves have been waiting for this. Please join in; you won’t be sorry!

lady birch

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