The Daily Forest Report August 9, 2014 The Jenna Mae Initiative
by nielskunze on August 9, 2014
(Whitman’s Gauntlet by my band, Missing Peace, composed by Niels in the early nineties, lyrics appear in Book 1 of the Muse Trilogy– 1996… however, this is officially an unreleased song as yet. Album still pending.)
I chose this song mainly for the lyrical refrain “My love is our connections.”
The Jenna Mae Initiative is being simultaneously published as a TOURS (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) message/instruction. It’s just too good of an idea to ignore. Here is the Facebook comment from Jenna from a couple of days ago:
“If I hug a tree in the forest here and you hug a tree in the forest there.. Somewhere between the roots and soil from my tree and the roots and soil from your tree, we connect, right? So it’s like I’m getting a Niels hug from a tree.. Let’s do that. I need a hug today.”
I’m in full agreement with this. There has always been a particular tree along my daily route which I have referred to as the Hugging Tree. It’s on the way down from the Mesa (a high-energy ley line node) kind of hanging over the Tibetan Trail.
Here is the lovely Sitka standing beneath it.
You can kinda see that around the tree’s base the bark is a little worn out already from all the hugs it’s received. It’s only natural to hug the tree as you go by as you would have to duck anyway.
So from now on, I will give it daily conscious hugs. Anyone wanting to join in on the group hug anywhere on the planet is more than welcome to join in… everyday… any day.
Before hugging your respective tree, bring your Presence into the Now by bringing your attention to your breath for a few moments. Centre your breathing in your heart, drawing the inhalations from the inward direction. Then on the out breath, allow your Presence to radiate outward from your heart to fill the space of your aura. If you reach your arm straight out in front of yourself, your hand will be at the edge of your aura (generally). It extends approximately that distance around your entire body. Since your Presence has no intrinsic qualities, fill that space with the vibration of one of the six heart virtues: forgiveness, appreciation, compassion, understanding, valour or humility. Choose the one most appropriate to the “flavour” of hug you’re going for. Your mind should simply hold the intention to connect with the Jenna Mae Initiative.
The practice of feeling your Presence in “the world” can and should be employed often throughout the day. And happy hugging!
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