The Daily Forest Report July 25, 2014 Ball of Confusion

by nielskunze on July 25, 2014


(Ball of Confusion by Love and Rockets from their 1985 album Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven)

“Storm clouds gather ominously…”


“…and nary a drop of rain will fall, spelling disaster for some.”


“Dark and clouded skies just prolong the torture of Hope– the very last demon in Pandora’s box. Wedded to televisions and news feeds… and everyone else’s business…”


“…you fill your perceptions with horizons beyond your grasp… and yet, they are able to grip you through the inactions they inspire. Ask yourself: Who are you listening to?”


“Is there anything practical that you can do here and now?”


“Attending to details that don’t pertain to you in any way bolsters your impotence. And that is the lie you keep insisting on telling yourself!”


“I am here, now… perfectly centred in my world… and the wind will blow. And countless others will attend to their own joy so that it may live on for all. Your joy is your greatest gift to the world!”


“Fear is a tight knot in a quantum entangled reality. It denies countless possibilities/opportunities, channelling expectations toward a singular disaster. And the Raspberry blooms and bears fruit. Can you see the bright choices?”


“Spreading yourselves at the very periphery of your awareness and concern like jam is a surefire way to becoming toast! Attend to that which is within your grasp to affect.”


“And then you will hold out so much more than a fleeting ephemeral hope. Nay, these are the fruits and seeds of joy… and they count for everything!”

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