The Daily Forest Report July 13, 2014 The Rhythmatist
by nielskunze on July 13, 2014
(Rhythmatist by Dweezil Zappa from his 2006 album Go With What You Know)
Despite the accolades, it was still Rodney’s responsibility to remind everyone that there was a subtle war going on. Fortunately, he had a great deal more credence suddenly.
He warned that indeed there would still be casualties. Not everyone was able to adapt to rapid changes. Evolution was a headstrong taskmaster.
This grouse, the Forest’s own expert rhythmatist, hadn’t been quite up to the new incoming frequencies. He had flown at the New Reality with enthusiasm, but couldn’t adjust his internal dissonance in order to match the New Symphony.
Rodney spoke encouraging words nevertheless. He spoke of “The Cavalry” coming soon to tip the balance in favour of the New Unfoldment. He stole furtive glances at the “General” standing on his own facing his slumbering army.
He was still hemmed in by the electromagnetic matrix of the Old Controllers… but Rodney assured everyone that the old grid would eventually come down… and a floodgate would open upon the Earth…
In the meantime, they were all to prepare for the coming fray. Summer’s provisions were especially bountiful.
The saskatoon berries were just coming ripe, and they were everywhere! There was even talk of brewing a special fortifying ale from the bounty.
And in a week or two, the high bush cranberries would be ready too… not to mention all the wild raspberries which threatened to overtake the landscape like some voracious jam sweetening the air with the New Rhythm of ultra-abundance!
Rodney’s words were encouraging. Now he needed to compose himself again and prepare for the next phase of the narrative… The Rise of the Ancient Sorcerers…
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