The Daily Forest Report July 8, 2014 Mystery of the Feather and the Stone
by nielskunze on July 8, 2014
(A Farewell to Kings by Rush from their 1977 album of the same name)
Only Rodney knew what Rodney was really up to…
Like the meticulously-crafted threads of a pretty spider, the Raven clan of Rodderick was woven into the historical tapestry of ancient tales from forests long passed. Rodney’s kin had always been a bit quirky, speaking often in tongues that even the most schooled of the Raven Nation had consistently failed to decipher.
Flying among mountains that come out of the sky and just stand there, the Roddericks had always seemed a part of some larger, incomprehensible mission. Metaphorically, they had always flown at right angles to the rest of the Raven Nation.
Often they had been caught speaking to stones in their unique gibberish… always regarded as skirting the edge of insanity… perched upon some obscure precipice… and listening intently to hoodoos…
For millennia, the Roddericks had kept their secret, but now Rodney assured the Brethren that the full story would soon be told. “All will be revealed. It can be no other way!”
Rodney’s eyes darted furtively among the strange features of the Hoodoos… as though at any moment he expected them to stand up and come to life like some lost army brushing off the dirt and dust of memories stilled, entombed, and forgotten.
Magick hid in the cracks and crevices of long-weathered landscapes– all ravens knew that. But the Hoodoos sent ripples into the sky messing with the very fabric of spacetime, hinting at portals and wormholes to the heart of matters still pending. They could be difficult to navigate whilst holding the intention of returning Home. The Raven Nation typically kept their distance… all but the clan of Rodderick. Perhaps their frequent sojourns there had simply over time driven them mad.
But despite the dark twinkle of crazy dancing in Rodney’s eye, there was nevertheless the promise of majesty and magnificence in the way he held up his head… looking to tomorrow…
He would tell them about the StoryKeepers… and what their loss had meant for the world.
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