The Daily Forest Report July 7, 2014 “In and Around the Lake”

by nielskunze on July 7, 2014

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(excerpt from Close to the Edge: Total Mass Retain by Yes from their 1972 album Close to the Edge)

Sundays are about more taxing journeys. I broke out the mountain bike again to take Sitka for her very first lake experience up at Spur Lake. You’ve seen the “spur” before in my previous photos shooting south down the power line. It’s a very challenging ride. Well… actually it’s challenging for me heading up to the lake while Sitka just sniffs along beside me on the many gruelling hills… and then it’s challenging for Sitka as she tries to keep up as I reconvert all that potential energy back into kinetic fun on the way down!

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This is us on the dock at Spur Lake. I’m a tad sweaty!

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Both of us had to work hard at keeping ourselves properly hydrated. Fortunately, streams and springs abound, even when we’re far from the river.

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Sitka’s a bit less discerning when it comes to water sources… any old swamp will do!

And now this next bit is especially for the forestry and roads people. It’s been a number of years since anyone gave the Spur Lake road the once-over with the grader. It could really use it!

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And a few culverts strategically placed beneath the road wouldn’t hurt either!

Anyway, we’re ready to resume the more languid pace of the usual journey today. I have a new camera to try out, so hopefully there’ll be an improvement in the daily visuals provided. You may have noticed that the lens window on my GoPro case is permanently scratched, hence the blurry spots that seem to appear in every photo.

I just hope I don’t get outsmarted by my new technology… at least, not too often!

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