The Daily Forest Report July 3, 2014 Not At All As It Seems

by nielskunze on July 3, 2014

Transformation of higher discerning mind complete… for initiation of preliminary planetary phase.

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(Moths by Jethro Tull from their 1978 album Heavy Horses, but this was taken from 20 Years of Tull 5-album set)

The Brethren had stripped Rodney of his Magic Feather. And though Rodney lamented deeply their myopathy, he would abide by their judgment with his life still intact. Besides, the deed had already been done!

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They could deny the profundity of the transformation all they liked, but it could not be held from bursting upon the scene in myriad explicable ways.

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A new purity and innocence among alfalfa blossoms…

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…or just Ringo enjoying the view.

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A garden dance inspirited by the sweet seductive smell of honeysuckle and the gathering of nectar, the slow ooze of manifestation, was as undeniable and inescapable as the summer’s heat.

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Modest little houses with a cool view to economy dot the imposing crumbling fiscal cliffs… hoping to survive the inevitable… as Death smiles and winks for tomorrows uncounted, even in his stern reckoning.

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Aye, there are bleak and barren places still in the individual human heart, but the collective has plucked itself up in release like a starched hanky in a hurricane…

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…embroidered with the ancient plan come to fruition in the blinking of an eye.

We are the all-seeingness of that ancient eye, discerning each our own puzzled piece. We didn’t get here by lidding our minds to the ugliness… no, we pried ourselves open like wings and breathy breezes… and our own beauty abounds!

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Fare thee well Starchildren, as dreams weave with dirt in the fertility of these old pains long composted. Take heed; we have arrived!

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