The Daily Forest Report June 30, 2014 The Ancient Sorcerers

by nielskunze on June 30, 2014

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(The Wizard covered by my band, Missing Peace, live in Whitehorse, written by Black Sabbath from their debut self-titled album from 1970)

The Ancient Sorcerers weren’t always sorcerers… but being sorcerers, it served their purposes well to allow their own history to fall into obscurity. What is not generally known is that prior to becoming sorcerers, they were revered as The Ancient StoryKeepers. It was need which pressed them from their positions as historians into service as a proactive force in formative machinations of Earthly politics.

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Snapped off saplings standing as sentinels around the perimeter of a pristine meadow are sure warnings left by the Sasquatch People that “this area is occupied.” And the Sasquatch People even predate The Ancient StoryKeepers, so their memory in these matters is more than relevant… even if their willingness to share such with humans is less than reticent.

But Rodney had a pretty good idea what was what. He’d been raised by The Brethren and their seemingly endless tapestry of tales. Sure, it was mere deduction on Rodney’s part that had caused him to act… but he was pretty sure that he was right. He knew where the Ancient Sorcerers were “hiding.” And what’s more, he was sure that he understood what they were still capable of.

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Even to this day, the inherent magicks of their ancient legacy infected the area with portals between dimensions and the bleed-throughs of anomalous critters where the veils between realities overlapped. The strange thing about strangeness though, mused Rodney, was that you really had to pay close attention in order to notice it. Modern humans had an uncanny ability for protecting their ignorance even in the face of compelling evidence. “Ah! Made you look!” Well, no. It may have appeared as though I looked, but I assure you I didn’t see a thing.

Soon enough, nodded Rodney. Soon enough it won’t be deniable by the masses anymore. When the Ancient Sorcerers break free from their long entombment, no one will shut their eyes to that!

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