The Daily Forest Report June 26, 2014 Of Earth and Star

by nielskunze on June 26, 2014

You can’t argue with butterflies about what’s impossible… They’ll just say “Watch this.”

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(Kundalini Express by Love and Rockets from their 1986 album Express)

And four Ravens quarrelling over the finer points of our best philosophy sounds exactly like a troupe of monkeys fighting over the last bruised banana. (I’m pretty sure there’s some good allegory in that image… somewhere.)

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They were chattering on and on as we progressed down Sasquatch Alley. The dogs were all as curious as I… but we never did find out what all the fuss was about. As we passed them by you could see them taking furtive glances over their shoulders while trying awkwardly to make shushing sounds with their beaks, pretending a nonchalance solely for our benefit. But as soon as we’d passed, they resumed their debate with the very same gusto.

It’s been an emotionally charged time for us all lately, and a family of ducks at the river urged us to dive in and go with the flow, despite the raging current of the times. A gaggle of babies followed trustingly behind mother, peeping incessantly. Meanwhile, I learned beyond all doubt that Sitka can swim… as she wanted to join the ducklings, but the current was a bit rough for her puppy sensibilities. She quickly returned to shore.

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It’s definitely a balance between being grounded to the Earth and simultaneously reaching for the stars. Onions are considered a root vegetable– which are great for grounding. But now, they’ve just begun their cycle of flowering which is their solar expression. I tend to eat mainly the flowers during this phase as the main stalk upon which the flowers grow tends to be very fibrous. Surprisingly, the flowers are the onioniest part of the onion. I wonder what the bees think of that as they gather the nectar! Also, it’s a great time for me to take stock of exactly how many onions there are out there, as the purple-flowered tops make them ridiculously easy to spot.

It feels still like we’re being stretched to our limits… but that’s because we haven’t quite accepted yet that there are no limits! Right Butterfly?

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