The Daily Forest Report June 25, 2014 My Corner of the World Mind

by nielskunze on June 25, 2014

Sometimes the World seems a bit of a blockhead… but I’m only responsible for tidying up my own room.

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(Save This House, title track by Spirit of the West from their 1990 album)

(Back when my band, Missing Peace, was still active, we shared the stage with this Vancouver band for our third annual Fairmont Mountain Music and Arts Festival. They were a fantastic headline act and a great bunch of guys!)

…And now for the Forest News:

Prior to June 20, the total mosquito count was 3. In the last few days the official count has surged to 4,566,905,321 (plus or minus 6). As I may have already mentioned, this is the physical manifestation of the unleashing of hordes of psychic parasites via the internet and cell phone technology which occurs every year on the days surrounding the solstice as a counterpunch to the natural influx of light on these longest days in the northern hemisphere. The controllers don’t want us getting any really bright ideas!

The counterpunch to the counterpunch is any effective form of psychic clearing (smudging, meditation, drumming, salt baths, etc.). If you haven’t tried them yet, you could also use the Soul Contract Revocation Scripts provided in the Sovereignty Tools category on this blog. Nearly all those who use them report on their profound effectiveness. I’ve written them all out and embedded audios including narration and musical accompaniment for fun and ease of use.

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I think I’ve had enough puffballs now. The one pictured above is just on the verge of converting its innards into a goopy spore mass. It’s just formed a rubbery shell to protect its forthcoming progeny.

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This is what it will look like a day later… still edible, but much less delectable.

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The roses are celebrating with abandon… and I’ve begun collecting petals and leaves for a nice rose petal ale which I brew every year to the fawning accolades of local connoisseurs. I think it’s my most popular brew over the years, especially with the ladies… and the very “nicest” of boys.

All in all, everything is proceeding according to plan… and right on schedule. Oh what? You didn’t get the memo about the schedule? It was part of this month’s Newsletter. Here’s the audio links:

Tiptoe Through the Tarot Part 1
Tiptoe Through the Tarot Part 2

Once you accept the archetypal nature of what’s occurring, the revised timetable makes a lot of sense and gets most people off their addiction to hopium. It’ll be over before you know it!

And now I’ll join Torsoless Tom… relaxing in a tree…

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