The Daily Forest Report May 22, 2014 Overcoming Habit and Compulsion
by nielskunze on May 22, 2014
(First, this Report was intended for release yesterday, but we were without internet for 9 hours. Sorry for the delay.)
Sitka gets it… or at least, she’s beginning to.
Towards the end of our walk, Sitka was traveling far up ahead, just at the limit of where I could still see her. Then I noticed that she had stopped and was staring intently into the forest below the trail. She waited contentedly, just staring, until I caught up.
There were actually four deer watching us from about twenty yards away. I realize that they’re difficult to see in these pictures, but I think you can make them out.
I don’t often write about our Deer encounters because we pretty much have them every day. It is a rare day that we have no interaction with Deer, but this day the encounter was very encouraging…
It is a dog’s natural compulsion to go chasing after deer. And because it’s so fun, Sitka had gotten into the habit of doing just that. Each time, upon her return, I would tell her directly that she’s not to do that. I was always pretty sure that she understood what I was saying, but it’s difficult for any of us to overcome our compulsions.
During this incident, we hung out with the deer for about five minutes. They scrutinized us as we scrutinized them. No one was particularly concerned, and Sitka, for the most part, seemed rather content to remain a passive observer. It was only once I had repacked the camera and started on my way again that Sitka couldn’t resist the urge to give just a little chase. To the sounds of my admonishments she gave chase for about ten seconds and then returned to the trail. I’m convinced that she understands that the animals are not our playthings… and that respect is beginning to win out.
The Old World, the status quo, is built primarily upon habit and compulsion; those are its main supports now. Once enough of us overcome our slavery to such, the New Earth begins in earnest. I think that if Sitka can do it, so can we!
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