The Daily Forest Report May 18, 2014 Defending Our Pathologies
by nielskunze on May 18, 2014
If I’m right, does everyone else have to be wrong?
I vaguely remember a time when I would have answered that question with an emphatic “Yes!” The part of myself that I now operate from has since sunken deeper into my body where a simple realization has always dwelt. It says “I have to live with the consequences of what I believe, just as everyone else has to experience the consequences of what they believe.” It’s perfect, actually… because we don’t have to waste our time convincing and recruiting.
There’s really only one universal belief in a Free Will Universe. We are each free to explore whatever beliefs we want. (And you don’t even have to believe that if you don’t want to… but then, eventually, we will come into conflict.)
I believe in Forest magic. I believe in telepathy… or, mind fusion. Nature operates in unity, not competition. I have access to that unity… always.
So far, I don’t hear distinct voices in my head. I receive impressions… which are distinct from my own trains of thought. Most often, I experience confirmations. I will be pursuing a particular line of thinking when suddenly a forest critter will have a significant interaction with me. The specific parameters of that interaction will either confirm, refute or modify whatever I was contemplating at the time.
I was thinking about bigsquatch… how the average person will still vehemently deny the possibility of any such existence… and in the vast majority of those cases, the denial will be based in the purest form of ignorance possible. It is invariably those who have done exactly zero research and have no personal experience in the matter who will proclaim the loudest that “It’s ridiculous!” It’s as though being incurious is the highest form of virtue… when, in fact, it’s the most unscientific view possible.
It was Einstein I believe who said something along the lines of “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” What does such a person stand to gain by denying possibilities? Certainly, everyone has the right to say “Well, that’s just not for me; I’m not interested.” But why the pathology of heaping condemnation and ridicule upon others who hold out the mere possibility due to a genuine curiosity? We have a very long history of trying to keep each other small, fragmented and perpetually traumatized. Can we please stop now?
These were my thoughts in the Forest when I stopped to crouch down and scribble the title of this article “Defending Our Pathologies” into my notebook. Toby was sitting right in front facing me. Suddenly, as she looked past me over my shoulder, she began to growl. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I turned in apprehension…
I got the distinct impression that Bigsquatch had been there right behind me… although when I turned, there was naught to be seen, and Toby stopped growling.
You don’t have to believe me.
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