The Daily Forest Report May 16, 2014 Coitus Interruptus In the Snake Pit

by nielskunze on May 16, 2014

Our close association with Eagle continues. This time it was Mama Eagle who met us at the precise spot near the swamp where the bigsquatch footprints were found. She swooped low to the ground, just a couple of feet above the hardening mud and then flew over the trees to disappear for a few minutes.

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Then, she watched surreptitiously from between the trees as we proceeded to the Mesa and the river valley beyond. She is the lofty eye of spirit keeping close tabs on terrestrial matters now.

Our daily journey by the river has us walking along an old abandoned flume where the black plastic liner is mostly buried beneath decades of debris… but in some places there are large swathes of plastic exposed. Last year, near one such place, I had encountered three mature snakes coiled in the sun all in virtually the same place. I concluded that this must be a breeding ground… but I didn’t know exactly where the “nest” was.

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And that’s where Sitka excels. With ear and nose to the ground, she found an odd bulge in the plastic which began to whisper with movement beneath her curious pokes. I knew immediately what’s up…

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I don’t know how many snakes there were… at least three… I didn’t want to destroy their love nest completely just to find out… despite the awesome photo op.

Snake is balancing out the Earth-Spirit dichotomy, being the favourite prey animal of Eagle. Snake represents the primal creative Earth energies primed for healing and transition. We’re staying grounded right now because the Earth has been significantly freed up and offers many new possibilities which were previously unavailable. (I mustn’t get too carried away with bigsquatch and his off-world associations… just yet.)

Love is both in the air and deep underground… there’s no escape!

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